Grants and Awards

Research Grants

  • ANR JCJC RecessionsHealth, 2022-2024. Principal Investigator. “Recessions, labour-market uncertainty and health” (amount awarded: 178,458e.)

  • ANR JobSustain, 2020-2024. Principal Investigator: Eve Caroli (Université Paris-Dauphine), Scientific Coordinator for the GATE team (102,000€).

  • Marie-Curie Intra-European Fellowship (IEF), 24 months, used March 2016-January 2017.

  • Health Chair (Dauphine-PSL). 2017: “Screening Disability Insurance Applications and Targeting. 2014-2016: “The lasting health impact of leaving school in a bad economy: Britons in the 1970s recession”. 2013-2014: “Does job insecurity deteriorate health?”.

  • CEPREMAP 2018: “The Old-Age Security Motive for Fertility: Evidence from the Extension of Social Pensions in Namibia”. 2018: “Early Labor Market Prospects and Family Formation”. 2014: “The lasting health impact of leaving school in a bad economy: Britons in the 1970s recession”.

  • Louis Bachelier Mobility Grant, Winter 2015


  • Prime d'Encadrement doctoral et de recherche (PEDR), 2017-2020.

  • Prix Jeune Chercheur 2016 de la Fondation Paris-Dauphine.

  • One-year Doctoral fellowship awarded by Ecole Polytechnique/Labex ECODEC Research group "Secure Careers in a global economy", 2014-2015, Supevisor : Pierre Cahuc.

  • Three-year Doctoral fellowship awarded by CREST, 2011-2014.