
Publications in Refereed Journals (International):

Engdahl, M., M. Godard and O. N. Skans (2022) "Early Labor Market Prospects and Family Formation", GATE WP 2018-35 (also IFAU Working Paper  2018:25). Forthcoming, Journal of Human Resources

Godard, M., P. Koning and M. Lindeboom (2022) "Application and Award Responses to Stricter Screening in Disability Insurance", GATE WP 2020-12. Forthcoming, Journal of Human Resources 

Rossi, P. and M. Godard (2021): "The Old-Age Security Motive for Fertility: Evidence from the Extension of Social Pensions in Namibia" GATE WP 2019-33, Forthcoming, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

Garrouste C. and M. Godard (2016) "The lasting health impact of leaving school in a bad economy: Britons in the 1970s recession", Health Economics, Vol. 25, Issue S2, pp 70–92 [Link] [WP]

Godard M. (2016): "Gaining weight through retirement? Results from the SHARE survey", Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 45, pp 27–46 [Link] [WP]

Caroli, E. and M. Godard (2016): "Does Job Insecurity Deteriorate Health?", Health Economics, Vol. 25, Issue 2, pp 131-147 |Link] [WP]


Media coverage: Horizon Magazine, Cahiers Louis Bachelier, The Conversation, The Conversation, The New Health Care (The NY Times)

Work in progress:

"Older workers and the value of job amenities", with Maxime Le Bihan (Unedic) and Daphné Skandalis (University of Copenhagen)

"Health Hystereris from Graduating in a Recession", with Mattias Engdahl (IFAU). 

"Media coverage of massive layoffs", with Sophie Hatte (ENS Lyon).