Conference 3

The third conference (10-12 April 2014) discussed the relations between mathematics and non-mathematical public cultures. Amongst other topics, it explored the question “why should I study mathematics?”--from perspectives within and outside mathematical cultures.

This third meeting aimed to build on the first conference by identifying the contributions from and audiences in the various mathematical cultures. It built on the second conference by drawing on the articulations and explorations of mathematical values there explored.


List of participants

See bottom of page for abstracts

Confirmed Speakers

Invited speakers:

Michael Harris The Science of Tricks

Tony Mann Mathematics in fiction: the novels of Catherine Shaw

Heather Mendick Mathematical Popular Cultures

Madeline Muntersbjorn Mathematics and Morality

Contributed talks:

Tom Archibald and Veselin Jungic. Mathematics and First Nations in Western Canada: From Cultural Destruction to a Re-awakening of Traditional Reflections on Quantity and Form

Michael Barany. Remunerative Combinatorics: Mathematicians and their Sponsors after the Second World War

Jean Paul Van Bendegem. The practice of proof rather than proof

Alexandre Borovik. Mathematics in the new pattern of division of labour

Paul Ernest. Questioning the Value of Mathematics

Norma Beatriz Goethe. Leibniz on painting thoughts, playing with transmutations, working with ´compendia´

Albrecht Heeffer. Jesuit strategies for the recruitment of interest in mathematics after the Ratio Studiorum (1599)

Elizabeth Hind. Mathematics in STEM education – Where does it fit?

Timothy Johnson. Is fairness a mathematical concept?

Markus Pantsar. The Great Gibberish: Mathematics in Western Popular Culture

Emil Simeonov. Is mathematics an issue of general education?

Henrik Kragh Sørensen. Narrating Abel: Aesthetics as biography of the mathematical persona in public culture