Analysis III for Computer Science (winter 2017/18)

The course is given by Prof. A. Pultr. At the example classes will be assuming knowledge of semesters 1 and 2 from the lecture notes plus what has been taught by Prof. Pultr in semester 3 to date.

The classes are scheduled at 9.00 on Tuesdays in room S8.

Each example class (beginning with class 2) will start with a simple test lasting 10 minutes, containing a question on the topic covered in the previous class.

Example sets are displayed below.

The condition for passing the class (obtaining zápočet) is to collect 60 points from the following activities:

  • up to 10 points for each test
  • productive participation in the class, e.g., presenting a solution of an exercise, original suggestions (up to 10 points per class)

Plan of classes: