Other States

The Retirement Living Site provides valuable information to retirees.At this site you can learn about senior housing or retirement communities in any state that you wish to explore. First begin the search by selecting a state and then determine the type of housing that appeals to you.

Learn about new retirement communities that are springing up across the country.

If you are the recipient of a state or federal pension by clicking on the state tax link, you will learn if your pension is taxed in another state. It is important that retirees know the tax structure of a state to which they plan to move. Click on any state you wish to move to and learn about the tax structure of that state. If there is any question you may have that is not answered at this site please write to the State Treasurer of the state you are considering and ask your question.

This site will provide you with State Agencies on aging. Learn about the services and programs available in the state to which you are considering moving.

Massachusetts Retirement Systems

Taxes on your Pension


Federally Taxable

If you are planning on moving out-of-state your pension may be state taxed by that state. Below are the states that have reciprocal agreement with Massachusetts--- they do not tax our state pension and we do not tax theirs.

Reciprocal agreements with 15 states:

Alabama Alaska

Florida Hawaii

Illinois Michigan

Mississippi Nevada

New Hampshire Pennsylvania

South Dakota Tennessee

Texas Washington


Massachusetts is one of 7 states that have a flat tax system, which means irrespective of the amount of income everyone pays the same flat tax rate. The other states are:

Colorado Illinois

Indiana Michigan

Pennsylvania Utah

All the other States that have a state tax have a graduated one, which means the higher your income the greater percent in taxes you will pay.

*Photo Credit for smiling woman above