
Teaching evaluations

I decided to post my teaching evaluations. Some are good, some aren't so good. I know that they are sometimes problematic, and there is a lot of "noise", but perhaps you can extract a bit of information from them. (Sorry almost everything is in Italian.)

Academic year 2011-2012

Economia del Lavoro - ORU (Labor Economics. 1st Level degree in Organization of Human Resources)

Economia del Lavoro - ECE (Labor Economics. 1st level degree in European Economics). This is the same course as the previous one (they share the same classes) assessed by students with a stronger economic background.

Istituzioni di Economia - SIE (Foundations of Economics. 1st level degree in International Sicences and European Institutions). Base Micro+Macro course in a mainly non-economics degree.

Academic year 2012-2013

Economia Politica del Lavoro - LAV (Labor Economics. 2nd Level degree in Labor Sciences).

Economics of Education - LAV (Education Economics. 2nd Level degree in Labor Sciences, taught in English).

Istituzioni di Economia - SIE (Foundations of Economics. 1st level degree in International Sicences and European Institutions). Base Micro+Macro course in a mainly non-economics degree.

Academic year 2013-2014

Economia del Lavoro - ECE (Labor Economics. 1st level degree in European Economics). This was a 20-hour laboratory of econometrics (GRETL) applied to labor economics.

Istituzioni di Economia - SIE (Foundations of Economics. 1st level degree in International Sicences and European Institutions). The usual course, but the University changed the way the questionnaires were administered. In the past, they were distributed in class and now they are web-based and compulsory, i.e. students must fill them when enrolling for the exam (check the dramatic increase in the number of students who claim to attend lectures with respect to the previous years, for which the number of students enrolled was pretty the same. Amazing isn't it?).

Academic year 2014-2015

Microeconomia - EMA (Microeconomics). 1st level degree in Economics and Management). 80-hour course taught to students with a good quantitative background.

Economics of Education - LAV (2nd level degree in Labour Sciences, taught in English). 40-hour course taught to students with very heterogeneous backgrounds (very few coming from economics).

Academic year 2015-2016

Microeconomia EMA (Microeconomics). 1st level degree in Economics and Management). 80-hour course taught to students with a good quantitative background.

Economics of Education MLS (2nd level degree in Management of Human Resorces and Labour Studies, taught in English). 40-hour course taught to students with very heterogeneous backgrounds (very few coming from economics).

Academic years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 on leave at the European Commission JRC (no teaching).