Working Papers

In this page I will post my work in progress (mimeos, working papers and updates of working papers). Most papers are available in my Econpapers page or IDEAS/REPEC page. For my published work please refer to the "Publications" section.


"Did Covid-19 (permanently) raise the demand for ‘teleworkable’ jobs?", joint with Irene BRUNETTI, Alessandro CORVASCE, Agata MAIDA and Andrea RICCI, INAPP Working Paper n. 118, INAPP, Rome, 2024.

"Education, Health and Health-Related Behaviors: Evidence from Higher Education Expansion", joint with Elena COTTINI and Paolo GHINETTI, IZA Discussion Paper N. 15035, 2022.

"Administrative border effects in Covid-19 related mortality",  joint with  Paolo BERTA, Carlo FIORIO, Enrico PISONI and Stefano VERZILLO,  IZA Discussion Paper N. 14930, HEDG, The University of York WP 21/21 and SSRN Research Paper N. 3962989, 2021.


"Prenatal Exposure to Heat Waves and  Child Health in Sub-saharan Africa", joint with Prince Boakye FRIMPONG and Simone RUSSO. IZA DP No. 14424,  Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), 2021. 

"Hard to Forget: The Long-Lasting Impact of War on Mental Health", joint with Mariapia MENDOLA and Alfonso MIRANDA, IZA DP N.9269, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), 2015.

"'I wish I knew ...'– Misperceived Ability, School Track Counseling Services and Performances in Upper Secondary Education", joint with Martino BERNARDI and Gianfranco DE SIMONE, IZA DP N.7940, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), 2014.