Winchester Lodge No. 56

Over 175 Years of Service

A Masonic Smile

Unknown Author

SMILING is infectious!

You can catch it like the flu.

When someone SMILED at me today,

I started SMILING too.

As I passed around the Altar

and a Brother saw my grin,

when he SMILED I realized

that I'd passed it on to him.

I thought about that little smile,

realizing its true worth:

A simple SMILE just like mine

could travel 'round the earth.

History Of Lodge No. 56

How To Become A Freemason

What Is Freemasonry?

A Charge With A New Mason

A Timely Chat With A New Freemason

A Simple Charge To The Fraternity

Red Skelton's Pledge Of Allegiance

The Masonic Ring by Howie Damron

The World Of Freemasonry

Friend To A Friend

In Memory Of Those Who Have Fallen

Meeting on Skype


Masonic Instruction

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