June, 2019

"Twilight Empress" by Faith L. Justice         

This book outlines the life of Placidia, sister to one of the last Roman Empires. In an era where men ruled, Placidia was very involved with politics - first as wife to the Visigoth King and later as regent to her son, Valentinian.         

I found this to be a hard book to really get into. Each chapter moved forward several years in time. Because of this, I felt like I never really knew the characters. Without strong characters, I found myself bored at times. Overall, this book was a bust.

"Janis" by Holly George-Warren         

This book outlines the life and career of Janis Joplin. Born into a conservative Texas town, Janis always stood out as different from her peers. Her parents, typically conservative, struggled with Janis drug use, liberal views and unconventional lifestyle. Janis forged a new life and family with the Holding Company. However, as she grew into herself, she outgrew her new family.         

This was a well written and engaging story. I knew very little about Janis before reading this book - Wow, what a wild and crazy ride. I look forward to reading more books from this author.

"The Taste of Rain" by Monique Polak         

At the Weihsien Internment Camp, 13 year old Gwendolyn and her fellow classmates are prisoners of the Japanese. Gwendolyn idolizes Miss E, one of their former teachers. In order to maintain hope, Miss E. has the former class follow the Girl Guide Code. The Code requires them to do good turns, act courageous, and maintain standards, all amidst the horrifying and terrible conditions of the camp.         

I thought this was an excellent middle school book. Gwendolyn was a likeable and relatable character. The book did not shy away from the horror of the camp, but rather tried to show the hope and despair of the children. Overall, well worth reading.

"The Undertaker's Assistant" by Amanda Skenandore         

Effie, a former slave, was taught the art of undertaking by a northern doctor. After the war, she travels back south to New Orleans to find a new life. When she meets Samson Greene, she is immediately stricken by his charisma and ability to turn a phrase. Later, she meets Adeline, a formerly rich woman who is struggling to maintain her lifestyle.         

Although the premise of this book was interesting, the characters were flat. They were a bit one-dimensional. There wasn't enough of the post woven in to make Effie believable or likeable. Without interesting characters, the rest of the story was hard to get into. Overall, 2 out of 5 stars.

"The Warehouse" by Rob Hart         

Cloud, a giant tech company, has created company live-work facilities, where everything you might need is in one place. After his start-up business fails because of Cloud's demand, Paxton is desperate for a job. Zinnia, a corporate spy, has been tasked with finding out about Cloud's energy producing facility. Paxton, assigned to security, quickly becomes an asset to Zinnia, an asset that she is falling form.         

This was a well constructed and fascinating world. The characters were realistic and multi-dimensional. I enjoyed this book and would love to read more set in this world. Overall, highly recommended.

"Across a Broken Shore" by Amy Trueblood         

Willa MacCarthy is drawn to medicine. Despite the fact that her Irish-Catholic family expects her to become a nun, she finds a way to work secretly with Dr. Katherine Winston. Together, they work in a field hospital near the Golden Gate bridge, which is in the middle of construction. Torn between medicine and her family, Willa must make a choice.         

I loved the setting of this book. Great Depression era San Francisco was a fascinating setting. I don't know that I've read any other books set here. Willa, although a bit whiny, was a good character, who showed tremendous growth throughout the book. Overall, well worth picking up.

"The Swallows" by Lisa Lutz         

Alexander, the newest teacher at Stonebridge, keeps hearing comments about the Darkroom. When she realizes that the guys have an underground blow job contest, she is disgusted. Some of the girls band together, determined to put the boys back in their place and end the contest forever.         

This book featured strong and powerful female characters determined to fight back. I like a strong female character, however most of the characters came across as stereotypical and one dimensional. The plot was pretty predictable. Overall, not a book I would re-read or recommend.