2024 Race Results

Race Day #1 March

2024 is off and running! On March 16th (The Third Saturday of March) Maryland Model Yacht Club kicked off another season of racing.  John Ebell was the Race Director (RD) for this first day and wow what a nice day we were blessed with!  Usually the March first race is  extremely windy, blustery and cold. Heck, one year we started the day with 4 inches of snow on the ground! This was not to be the case as the wind was very gentle out of a North-ish direction and the temperatures were just a bit cool but warming. The RD set a course down by the tree where we usually sail. The wind was forecast to back during the day and this would let the wind hopefully square up the course for us. In addition, the RD tried to set the marks canted, with the intention that even if the wind was not square, it made for fairer, more interesting racing and strategy.  Ask the people who actually sometimes made out on starting out on port tack at the pin!

Finally, the RD also unveiled the promised two windward mark course!  Yes we did it and it actually worked great. On the more crowded DF 65 fleet, we hardly had any conflicts at all. In addition, the RD was impressed how everyone handled the change extremely well and only a couple times noticed people trying to round the old way. They were hailed right away and quickly rounded the right way.

Besides being impressed with how well everyone handled the new course, the RD was amazed how well everyone sailed!  Usually everyone is very rusty and makes lots of mistakes, both boat handling and steering. Everyone did great this first day, and there were far fewer collisions than normal. (This also could be in part too to Angelo’s off season Rules Seminar) I don’t know if everyone had practiced before this day, but it felt like no one missed a beat from last November.

Attendance the first month is always an issue, and the RD expected it, especially knowing ahead of time, that Steve Howard and Tom Walsh would be missing. As a result, the Vics were a little light with 4 boats. Craig, Sangeet, Victor and Kyle rounded out the competitive little fleet. After some very good racing, Craig eventually showed everyone how it was done and he had a very good day! Results are coming!

The temperature during the day was rising and it became nicer and nicer. Well, this warmness must have brought some people out, because sailors started coming out of the woodwork! To my amazement additional old sailors and new joined our ranks. I was delighted to see Veteran sailor Will Wagner show up with his ODOM, and his Daughter Anna!  Not missing the chance, I outfitted them DF 65s so they could join us for the next class. Two new sailors Mike Stefancik and David Amorosi came out with their DF 65s to join in the fun. Please make sure to welcome them when you see them next month. Finally, after some shaming, Jim Latoff dropped by (boatless) to say hi. He said he wanted to stop by and hopes to have his boats up and running by next month. It will be good to see him out again! This influx of racers brought the boats on the line for the DF 65 to 11!!! These included regulars Mike and Devon Rickels, Kyle, Victor, Alan, Chris, and Karta. It was a very competitive day! To everyone’s amazement, Will Wagner who hadn’t sailed in years, let alone never skippering a DF 65 before, went out and won the first race. Then to make sure everyone knew it wasn’t a fluke, he went out and won 4 more races in the DF 65 during the day. Wow what a run! The RD tried to keep his head from bursting his hat by reminding him that he was using my boat,  but he did sail extremely well. New member Mike Stefancik in his red “Devil boat” (yes #666) did very well as well as new member David Amorosi in his #981. Finally, the RD wanted to make sure everyone knew Will’s daughter Anna, also did very well. She succeeded in getting the boat around the course very well and was poking her nose into things when she could. I remember my first time sailing an RC boat, I couldn’t even get it around the race course.  You can tell its in her genes! Great Job Anna! Get your dad to bring you back. You are more than welcome anytime (with or without your dad!) While Will won several races, he did finish deep in one race and there were a couple other racers who were always up there, so be sure to check the tight results! We Look forward to seeing Mike and Dave back again next month as well as Angelo, John and hopefully Jim has his boats working by then, and they all to join our ranks in April. Heck when we add Tom and Steve also back, it promises to be an exciting April!

Finally, the wind backed and started to fill in for the ODOMS. It really was turning into a beautiful day. Kyle had to depart early so we had a medium sized fleet consisting of Victor, Mike, Devon, Pirate Chris, Sangeet with his new ODOM, and returning like a time traveler, with his white ODOM #484, was Will Wagner. Well, this fleet was pretty aggressive and there would be tight racing all day long. Will could only stay for the first 3 races of which he won 2. Hope you can come back again Will! Again this fleet was tight with a couple boats finishing consistently high, so be sure to check the results.

To those of you who missed sailing in March, (and you know who you are) you really need to try and make April. It is guaranteed to be a great time!

Finally, one piece of other news, we are planning a Practice Evening some week night in the next couple weeks. Keep your eyes open for an announcement. I look forward to seeing all of you in April!

John Ebell

Day #1 March 2024 Action Photos

Race Day #2 in April

The course was set for our new windward gate, with the standard leeward gate. The day started out cloudy, but soon the sun came out and it was just a nice, gorgeous day.


Victorias started with light variable air, mostly from the NW, but shifting N and SE. Made for challenging races looking for “that puff or wind change”.  John Ebell took the first two races, but competition between Mari, Tom, and Craig made things very interesting for 2-4 places.

Windward gate was interesting. It was set too far to the north, so the left mark was typically favored. Until the fifth race. Tom and Mari went to the right mark and really took off away from the fleet. And they had quite the battle at the leeward mark to the finish. And Mari captured the finish in “her rightful place!”


DF65s got the benefit of steadier and somewhat stronger wind from the NW.  We reset the windward gate so the right side buoy was closer to the starting line and not so wide apart from the left side buoy.  This really improved the competition.  As the racer’s decided, it was quite varied between the marks for what was favored for anyone’s given position on the race course.


Mike Rickels was the dominator in DF65s, taking four bullets, but it spread out to Devin, John Ebell, and Mike (#666, the red devil boat).  Positions 2-4 were spread throughout the competitors.  A good showing by all.


ODOMs really got the benefit of building wind from the NW.  Much steadier.  The real challenge was my ability to Pay Attention at the finish.  Oyf.  I had real difficulty on two races deciding the finish order.  But everyone contributed and I think the finishes were properly recorded.  Competition was great, with no one boat dominating any position.  Even better, no one lost their rig or had to retire for any other boat failures.


I really came to appreciate the windward gate, and I think the club members did too.  Especially after the adjustment of the right side buoy.  I think this course is a keeper! 


Looking forward to ODOM Region 2 Championship Regatta on Saturday, 5/4.  If you have not registered for it, get into the challenge and register.  You will love the competition.  See you all there!

Steve Howard

Day #2 April 2024 Action Photos

Day #3 June 2024 Action Photos

 (May was cancelled due to bad weather)

You ever had such a good time you just had to tell other people? Well, that's how I feel about this past MMYC Sailing Day. It seemed like everything came together to make for just an incredible day. The day was beautiful, sunny, clear, and there was a perfect breeze from the North. Commodore Steve Howard made a perfect call and decided we would go back to a spot on the pond where we haven't been in awhile, the promenade! This really made the day, as it lined up very square to the wind, and gave us a very nice walk way and assembly area. The real gem was the tree cover and the shade! Believe it or not, it almost was too cool in the shade.  The guardrail lining the promenade afforded easy launching and a leaning post while sailing. It was perfect! Finally, what rounded out the day were the sailors. I think it might have something to do with Mari being there, but everyone seemed to be on their best behavior, and sailing was dare I say, fairly cordial believe it or not. In addition, John Houlfek did a great job in his first time as RD. Everyone I spoke to there agreed with me, it was a special day! Attached is a pic from the day, courtesy of John. Keep an eye out for the upcoming race results and other pictures from Saturday, and who knows, maybe even a race write up from our Commodore.  If you missed this past Saturday, you truly missed a special day!


See ya on the pond!


John Ebell

Victorias on the starting line

Focused Victoria Skippers

DF65s headed to the windward gate

Focused DF65 Skippers

Overall race results for 2024 thus far here