
Published Papers

Valuing Financial Data (with D. Singal, L. Veldkamp and V. Venkateswaran, 2023), Accepted, Review of Financial Studies (Swiss Finance Institute Outstanding Paper Award 2022)

Intermediation and Voluntary Exposure to Counterparty Risk, Journal of Political Economy, December 2023. 131(2) (Lead Article)

 (Best Finance Theory Paper Award & AQR Top Finance Graduate Award 2014; SCOR-PSE inaugural Young Researcher Award 2019)

Cleansing by Tight Credit: Rational Cycles and Endogenous Lending Standards (with P. Kondor), Journal of Financial Economics, October 2023, 150(1), 46-67

Data and Markets (with L. Veldkamp, 2022), Annual Review of Economics, August 2023, 15, 1–20

The Emergence of Market Structure (with G. Jarosch and R. Shimer), Review of Economic Studies,  January 2023, 90(1), 261–292

Heterogeneous Global Booms and Busts (with P. Kondor),  American Economic Review, July 2022, 112(7), 2178–2212 

Where Has All the Data Gone? (with A. Matray, L. Veldkamp and V. Venkateswaran),  Review of Financial Studies, July 2022, 35(7), 3101-3138 (Lead Article) 

Internal and External Effects of Social Distancing in a Pandemic (with G. Jarosch and R. Shimer), Journal of Economic Theory,  2021, 196, 105293

Long Run Growth of Financial Data Technology (with L. Veldkamp),  American Economic Review, August 2020, 110(8), 2485-2523

Big Data and Firm Dynamics (with R. Mihet, T. Philippon and L. Veldkamp), American Economic Review P&P,  May 2019, 109, 38-42

Big Data in Finance and Growth of Large Firms (with J. Begenau and L. Veldkamp), Journal of Monertary Economics,  August 2018, 97, 71-87

Working Papers

A  Model of the Data Economy (with L. Veldkamp , 2022), R&R, Review of Economic Studies

Information and Market Power in DeFi Intermediation (with P. Azar and A. Casillas, 2024)

Intermediation as Rent Extraction (with G. Jarosch, G. Menzio, and U. Wiriadinata, 2019), R&R, Journal of Finance

Normal Divergence: Information in the Shape of the Return Distribution (with A. Jafarian, 2021)

Work in Progress

Price Discrimination: Who Benefits from the Data? (with A. Shourideh and N. Haghpanah, 2024)

Disinformation Wars (with A. Casillas, L. Hashemi, M. Saeedi and S. Wilson, 2024) (Economist)

Equilibrium Spillover of Big Data (with P. Kondor and P. Kurlat, 2024)

Optimally Opaque Banks (with A. Babus and Gabriela Stockler, 2024)

Economics of Data Intermediation (2023)

Dynamic Pricing in Cloud Platforms (with S. Morris, 2023)

Tell Me Your Type: Information Asymmetry and Credit Allocation Through Consorcios (with B. Doornik, J. Skrastins and D. Schoenherr, 2021)