Surprise Major A-F

Ashtead Surprise Major


23456 B W M H

42356 -

63425 - - -

54632 - (-) (-)

26435 (-) (-)

63254 x 3

25634 - -

53246 x 3

24536 - -

32465 x 2

Repeat, omitting bracketed calls for 5088.

90 cru. Computer checked.


23456 B W M H

42356 -

34256 3 3 -

23645 - -

53246 ss 2

375246 - s3rds 3

452367 3 s4ths 3

64253 - s

54263 s 3

23456 s s -

Backrounds, 53 cru, 32 468s. Computer checked.


23456 B W M H

42356 -

54326 - 3

46253 2 2 -

54263 - 3

26543 - -

357246 4ths 3

235647 In 2

43265 2 3

23645 2 -

23456 x -

Queens, backrounds, 21 468s, 64 cru including 11 5678s and 14 6578s. Computer checked.


23456 B W M H

42356 -

43526 - 2

53624 -

25346 x 2

34256 - -

34562 x -

53462 ss -

24365 - -

23645 - 2

34625 ss 2 3

62345 - -

24653 x 3

45236 x 3

23456 - -

Backrounds, 62 cru including 14 5678s and 12 6578s. Computer checked.


23456 B W M H

35264 x 3

42635 3x 3

42356 x -

34625 4x 3

34256 x -

34562 x -

32465 2 -

26354 x 3

43526 3x 3

43265 x -

36452 x 3

24365 4x -

53246 - - -

23456 2 -

Tittums, 57 cru including 14 each 5678s and 6578s. Computer checked.

Adelaide Surprise Major


23456 M W B H

52436 - 3

35426 ss - 3

42356 - -

(25346) - x

35642 - 3 3

65243 - 3

34256 - - -

24653 - 3

23456 2 -

54 cru. Computer checked.


23456 M W H

42356 -

34256 3 -

32546 ss - 2

53246 3 -

45236 -

537246 s3rds -

257346 - 3

273546 - 2

327546 3 -

375246 - 2

234567 s4ths - -

Queens, 65 468s including 14 2468s, 12 5468s and 8765s with 9 5678s off front; 38 cru including 12 5678s. Computer checked.

Aldenham Surprise Major


23456 B M W H

42356 2

52643 - - 3

62345 - 3

32546 - 3

64523 - - -

45623 3 2

24653 - 3

45236 x 3

23456 - -

67 cru, including 21 5678s. Computer checked.


23456 B M W H

34256 2

52643 ss - - 3

62345 - 3

32546 - 3

45623 - - 3

24653 - 3

45236 x 3

23456 ss - -

67 cru including 21 5678s. Computer checked.


23456 B M W H

42356 -

62354 ss s ss

34256 s -

53246 ss - 3

537246 - s3rds -

753246 3 -

273546 -

375246 3 2 -

453267 3 s4ths

23456 ss - -

Queens, whittingtons, 21 8765s, 74 468s including 19 2468s; 54 cru including 21 5678s. Computer checked.

Alloa Surprise Major


23456 M W H

42356 -

35264 s s -

65423 - s ss

25463 s 3

65432 - s ss

45362 s 3

56234 - 2

26435 - 3

52364 2 - 2

62354 s

23456 s 2

Tittums, backrounds, 64 cru including 18 5678s. Computer checked.


23456 V M W I H

42356 -

52364 s s

273546 - s ss

357246 3 s -

(523647) x

62354 s

54326 s - ss

43625 s 2

23645 s

53642 s 3

64325 s s -

34256 s 2 -

64253 s ss

23456 s -

Queens, tittums, 43 468s, 18 8765s, and 53 cru. Computer checked.


23456 M W H

34256 2

64253 s ss

32546 s - 2

53246 3 -

753246 3 - s3rds 2

273546 -

375246 3 2 -

452367 3 s4ths

23456 ss - -

Queens, whittingtons, 60 468s including 19 2468s, 21 8765s, 51 cru with 21 5678s. Computer checked.

Bar Hill Surprise Major


23456 B H I V

25346 2 -

62345 2 -

23645 - 3

24643 2 -

32546 3 x

32654 - x

35264 2 -

63254 3 2

43526 - 2 -

42356 2 -

23456 -

144 cru. True to Ouse, Kenninghall and all L cps. Computer checked.

Belgrave Surprise Major

5376 (5152)

23456 W M H

42356 -

63254 s s

53264 s 3

62354 s s

34256 s -

25346 - -

32546 ss -

54326 - -

63425 s s

34265 s 2

23465 3 -

64235 s s

43526 s 2

53246 2 -

23456 2 -

99 cru; for 5152, omit SS; 98 cru including 21 5678s and 19 6578s.

Computer checked.


23456 W V I M H

42356 -

63254 s s

25364 s -

327546 - 3 -

325647 1 -

537246 - -

532647 1 -

62354 s s

34256 s -

53246 - 3

52436 - 2

64235 s s

34265 s 3

62435 s s

45236 s -

23456 - -

Queens, tittums, backrounds, 94 cru including 20 5678s, and 19 6578s; 8 5678s off front, 18 8765s and 26 468s. Computer checked.


23456 W V I M H

42356 -

63254 s s

25364 s -

372546 - 3 -

257346 2 ss

532647 - 1 2

62354 s s

34256 s -

52436 2 2

64235 s s

34265 s 3

62435 s s

45236 s -

23456 - -

Queens, tittums, whittingtons, backrounds, 7 5678s off front, 17 8765s, 35 468s, and 81 cru, including 19 5678s and 6578s. Computer checked.


23456 W V I M H

34256 2

62345 - s s

23465 s 2

42365 ss -

63245 s s

25346 s -

53246 ss 2

65234 - s s

537246 s - -

352647 1 3

65234 s s

45326 s 3

23456 - ss -

Queens, tittums, backrounds, 16 468s, 97 cru including 20 5678s and 19 6578s. Computer checked.


23456 W M H

42356 -

63254 s s

25364 s -

53264 3 2

62354 s s

34256 s -

53246 - 3

375246 - s3rds

245367 s4ths -

374526 s3rds

524367 s4ths -

64235 s s

34265 s 3

62435 s s

45236 s -

23456 - - -

Tittums, backrounds, 17 468s, 8 8765s, 14 combination courses, 97 cru including 20 5678s and 21 6578s. Starting and finishing at the treble's snap after W includes whittingtons but not backrounds. Computer checked.

Belvedere Surprise Major


23456 B W M H

42356 -

63425 - - -

26354 x 2

52364 - 3

32654 2 -

46325 - - -

46253 x -

42563 - 2

54263 3 -

24653 2 -

62453 3 -

34625 - - -

34256 x -

23456 ss -

57 cru including 14 5678s and 7 6578s. Computer checked.

Bottisham Surprise Major


23456 M W B H

54632 - - 3

35642 - 3

(35426) - x

42356 - -

Repeat twice. In each block of 3H, the 6th always makes the last bob. Tittums, 50 cru. Computer checked.


23456 M W B H

(35426) - (3) x |

42356 - ss - | A

34256 A omitting (3)

(52364) - 3 2x |

24365 - (ss) - | B

43265 2A omitting (3)

23456 B omitting (SS)

Backrounds; 79 cru including 20 5678s and 21 6578s. Computer checked.


234567 M W H

42356 -

34256 ss -

45236 2

537246 s3rds -

725346 - -

257346 3 2

327546 -

753246 3 - -

273546 -

523746 3 - 3

375246 - -

234567 s4ths - -

Whittingtons, 13 each 2468s, 3468s and 5468s, and 26 cru. Computer checked.


23456 W M H

42356 -

63254 s s

25364 s -

53264 3 2

62354 s s

34256 s -

53246 - 3

375246 - s3rds

245367 s4ths -

374526 s3rds

524367 s4ths -

64235 s s

34265 s 3

62435 s s

45236 s -

23456 - - -

Tittums, backrounds, 17 468s, 8 8765s, 14 combination courses, 97 cru including 20 5678s and 21 6578s. Computer checked.


(42536) M W B H


237546 s3rds -

275346 - 2

527346 3 -

573246 - 2

357246 3 -

372546 3 - 2

345267 s4ths - 3

35246 - ss 2

23456 - 2*

2*=BS. Start at the treble’s backstroke snap after W; the first course end comes up without a call. Queens, whittingtons, backrounds, 13 each 2468s, 3468, and 5468s, 30 crus including 10 5678s. Computer checked.


(42536) M W B H

(23465) x

62435 -

253746 - s3rds - -

325746 3 -

532746 3 -

275346 - -

752346 3 2

372546 -

534267 s4ths - ss -

25436 - ss

32456 - ss

45326 - ss -

23456 - s

Start at the treble's backstroke snap after W; (the bob Before is at the first lead end after the start). Whittingtons, backrounds, 55 468s, with 29 cru. Computer checked.

Boveney Surprise Major


23456 M W B H

(35426) - x

42356 - ss -

(25364) - 3 x

34256 - ss -

(53462) - 2x

24365 - ss -

(46325) - x

32465 - ss -

(26435) - x

43265 3 - ss -

(64352) - 3 2x

23456 - -

Tittums,80 cru, including 20 5678s and 21 6578s. Computer checked.

Cambridge Surprise Major


234567 H

476253 4ths 2

563427 4ths 3

Repeat four times.

Tittums, 42 cru including 18 5678s. and 15 468s. Computer checked.


23456 B H

35642 2x -

24635 3x s

62435 5x -

54623 4x -

42365 2x -

53426 4x -

Repeat. All short courses (40).

56 cru including 12 5678s and 6578s. Computer checked.

Cassiobury Surprise Major


23456 M W B H

52436 - 3

62345 - 2 -

(24365) - x

23645 - 2

Repeat twice.

81 cru, including 17 5678s and 10 6578s;

10 5678s and 11 6578s off front and 7 468s.

Computer checked.


23456 M W B H

(35426) - x

52364 2 2 3

65324 -

42356 - - -

Repeat twice.

68 cru including 21 5678s. Computer checked.


(42536) M W B H

52436 -

63245 - - -

46235 3 - ss

26345 2 ss -

32645 ss -

62543 - ss

52346 - ss

43625 - -

53426 2 ss 3

23456 - - x 2

2=BS. Commencing rounds are from the treble’s backstroke snap after W. 65 cru including 13 5678s and 11 6578s with 12 468s and 9 6578s off front. Computer checked.


23456 M W B H

45236 - -

537246 s3rds ss -

753246 3 -

273546 -

523746 ss -

375246 ss - -

245367 s4ths -

25346 - 2

35642 - ss

65243 - ss

34256 - - -

64352 2 ss

23456 - -

Queens, whittingtons, backrounds, 47 468s including 14 2468s and 13 5468s; 32 cru including 11 5678s. Computer checked.

Catherine Surprise Major

5152 (no.1)

23456 M B W H

42356 -

52364 s s ss

23465 s 2

62435 ss - 3

43625 ss - -

36425 ss 2

56423 s ss

42365 s - -

62354 s s ss

34256 s -

54236 s ss

23456 s -

Tittums, 96 cru including all the 5678s and 6578s. Computer checked.

5152 (no.2)

23456 M W H

34256 2

53246 - 3

62345 s s

42365 s 3

63245 s s

45236 s -

537246 s3rds -

257346 - 3

753246 2 -

273546 -

375246 3 2 -

234567 s4ths - -

Queens, whittingtons, 18 8765s with 13 5678s off front; 18 each 2468s and 3468s, 12 5468s; 88 cru including all the 5678s and 6578s. Computer checked.

Cray Surprise Major


23456 W M B V H

34256 2

53246 - 3

(53462) - x

24365 - -

62345 - 3

43265 2 2

35264 - 2

26354 - -

63254 ss 2

23564 2 -

45362 - -

23456 - - -

4 each 8765s and 8756s with 4 each 5678s and 6578s off front and 10 468s; 144 cru. Computer checked.

5248 (5024)

23456 W M B V H

34256 2

(54362) 2 x

24365 - -

43265 3 2

35264 - 2

26354 - -

273546 s (ss)

632547 3 3 s 2

23564 2 -

45236 - - -

23456 - -

12 each 8765s and 5678s off front, 12 each 5678s and 6578s off front; 22 468s, 112 cru with all the 5678s and 6578s, For 5024, omit (ss); 18 468s. Computer checked.

Derwent Surprise Major


23456 M B W H

42356 -

26354 - 2

32546 - 3

32654 2 -

62534 - x -

36245 x 2

43265 - 3

23645 2 -

34256 - 2x -

53246 - 3

23456 2 -

144 cru. Computer checked.

Dereham Surprise Major


23456 V B M W H

34256 2

45362 x

274536 - 2 3

473526 -

352647 2 - 3

25463 - 3

64352 - -

53246 - -

45236 3 -

23456 3 - -

53 cru, including 21 5678s, with all the 8765s, 16 5678s off front, and 10 468s. Computer checked.

Dullingham Surprise Major


23456 M B W H

34256 2

53246 - 3

36245 - 2

43265 - 3

23645 2 -

63425 - x -

63254 x -

35264 2 3

32654 - 2

62534 - x -

45236 - -

23456 - -

144 cru; 17 each 5678s and 6578s off front. Computer checked.


234567 M V W H

42356 -

352746 s3rds - 3

327546 - 2

537246 - 3

732546 2 -

572346 -

342657 - s - 3

63425 - ss

54326 - -

25346 - 3

23456 - 2

72 cru, including all the 5678s and 6578s, 15 5678s and 13 6578s off front, 70 468s including 12 2468s and 5468s. Computer checked.

Ealing Surprise Major


23456 M B W H

34256 2

53246 - 3

23645 - 3

63425 - x -

52436 - - -

42635 - 3

62534 - ss

45236 - -

54632 2 2

65432 3 -

23456 - - -

65 cru including 13 5678s, 11 468s and 10 5678s off front. Computer checked.


23456 M B W H

52436 -

36245 - 2 2

45362 2 -

23564 - -

35264 - x - 2

25463 - 3

56342 - 2

23645 - -

42635 -

35426 2 -

34256 3 - 2

23456 - x - -

66 cru, including 12 5678s, 6578s and 5678s off front, with 7 468s. Starting from the 9th course, i.e. below the line, gives the same but with 4 468s.


23456 M B W H

42356 -

34256 3 -

45362 x

26354 - - -

63254 3 2

56234 -

63542 2 2 3

46532 -

35264 - -

56423 2 x

62534 x

45236 - -

23456 - -

Tittums, 64 cru including 15 5678s and 9 6578s, with 10 5678s and 6 6578s off front and 9 8765s and 8756s. Computer checked.


23456 M B V W H

34256 2

25346 - -

32546 ss -

53246 3 -

46253 3x -

523746 - s - ss

273546 2 3

263547 3 s

24653 2 -

23456 x - -

Queens, whittingtons, backrounds, all the 5678s off front with 18 8765s, 48 468s; 50 cru including 18 5678s. Computer checked.

Exning Surprise Major


23456 M V W B H

34256 2

25346 - -

43526 - x 2

62534 - - -

42635 2 3 3

25634 - 2

53624 2

32546 2 2

(42536) 3 s

Queens, tittums, 9 each 8765s and 8756s,

61 cru. True also to Warnham. Computer checked.

Falmouth Surprise Major


23456 M B W H

42356 -

26354 - 2

52364 ss5ths - 3

32654 2 -

53246 - 2 3

36245 - 2

43265 - 3

23645 2 -

23456 - 2 2

10 5678s and 12 6578s off front, 10 468s, and 144 cru. Computer checked.


23456 M B W H

42356 -

34256 3 -

53245 - 3

23645 - ss

45236 2 -

725346 s3rds 2 3

753246 - 2

273546 -

375246 3 2 -

234567 s4ths - -

12 each 2468s, 7468s, 8765s and 8756s, with 14 5678s off front; 72 cru including 16 each 5678s and 6578s. Computer checked.

Fanybedwell Surprise Major


23456 M B W H

42356 -

53264 s s s

52364 ss s

62345 s s

53246 s s

24356 s -

43256 ss 2

52346 s s

34265 s s -

23465 ss -

43265 -

62354 s s ss

34256 s -

64253 s 3 ss

23456 s -

67 cru, including 13 5678s and 10 5678s. Starting below the line, on the 15th course, also has 67 cru but with 10 5678s and 13 6578s. Computer checked.

Finedon Surprise Major


23456 W B M H

42356 -

63254 - -

32654 ss 2

46253 ss - -

62453 3 2

34256 - -

65432 2 2

45236 ss -

45362 - 1 3 3

23456 - - -

67 cru including 16 5678s; computer checked.

Fulbourn Surprise Major


234567 W F B I M H

64235 - - -

26543 - - 3

56342 3 - 3

36245 3 -

43265 - ss 3 3

26435 - -

743256 x - 3

345276 -


Rounds at treble’s handstroke snap just before the second lead of the last course. 50 cru, including 18 6578s. Computer checked.


234567 W V B M H

42635 - - ss |A

42356 1 - |

34256 A

725364 - - 2

375264 - ss ss

572364 2 ss 3 -

542763 - 3

236457 - - ss

23456 1 -

Queens, tittums, 43 cru including 15 5678s,

and 64 468s. Computer checked.


(43256) W B M H

24356 -

63245 - - -

56432 - 2

46235 3 ss - 3

34265 - ss 3

26345 - ss 3 -

32564 - -

32645 1 3 -

23456 1 s

Start at the treble’s backstroke snap after M; the first H is at the end of that first lead. 62 cru including 12 6578s. Computer checked.


23456 W F B M H

63452 - 3 s

45362 s -

64523 2 s

25463 ss s

53462 - 2

64352 s s

23645 - - -

64235 - -

26435 ss -

36425 s ss

743256 s - - 3

243756 s ss

345276 s -

(345276) ss

Rounds at treble’s handstroke snap just before the second lead end of the last course, i.e. at the next handstroke snap after the last single. 39 cru. Computer checked.