Plain Royal

Double Norwich Court Bob Royal


234567890   1   2   3   8   9
342569078   4   -           -
342568790   3   s           -
523648790   5       -   s
423658790       s
432659087   5   -           -
432657890       s           -
623547890   5       s   s   
423567890   3       s
234567890   -                
20 each 567890s, 657890s, 568790s and 658790s, with 16 0987s and
12 7890s off front. Computer checked.


234567890   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
423907856   2        s        s
423567890   3        s        s
432569078   s  -                    -
432569087   3  2* 
354972680   -              -  -
324975680                  s
352974680   3*             s
953724680   3     -              s
243597680         s        2
423507896   3'                s     -
532467890   s                 s  s
632457890         s              ss
243567890   s     s              -
234567890   s                        
2=BB  2*=BS 3=BBB 3*=BSB 3'=SBB
16 567890s, 12 098765s with 4 567890s off front, 16 0987s with 12 7890s off front, 94 680s including 24 each 4680s and 5680s. Computer checked.


234567890   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
342907856   -           s           s
324567890   3*          s           s
243569078   -   -                           -
243579680   ss  2*                  -
243975680                       2*          -
453972680       2*              s
954732680   ss      -                   s
379245680           -           -
423597680           -           -
426537980   ss              -
426538079       -                           -
324568790           -                       -
534628790   2*      s                   s
234658790           s               
623548907   3'      s                   s   -
423567089       s   s                       -
234567890   -                               -
2*=BS  3*=BSB 3'=SBS

Little Bob Royal


234567890    2   4   5   7   9    
42356                        -
23645            s   s       2
42635            -           3
62345            2           -
42365            s           3  
643250978    s   -       -
263468907        -       -
423658790    -   -           3
52346            s   s       3
23465            s           2
52436            -           3
35426            -           3
42356            -           -
543269078    -   -       s   3  
253467890    -   -       -    
34256            -           -
32456            ss          s
All the 567890s, 657890s, 568790s and 658790s, and 20 0987s.
Computer checked.


234567890   2   3   4   5   6   7   9    
42356                               -
23645               s   s           2
42635               -               3
34625               -              (3)
62345               -               3
42365               s               3  
643250978   s       -           -
263458907           -           -
423658790   -       -               3
52346               s   s           3
23456               s               2
52436               -               3
42356               2               -
543269078   -       -           s   3  
253467890   -       -           -    
34256               -               -
342907856       s           s       3
324567890       s           s       s 
Repeat, omitting (3). 
All the 657890s, 568790s and 658790s, with 20 each 567890s, 098765s and 0987s. Computer checked.


234567890    2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
423567890                                -
623547890                s                  
423907856        s       s   s           3 
523467890        s   s       s           
623457890                s               
423657890            s                   3  
423650978    s                   -       3
623458790    s       s           s
423658790            s                   3
523468790            s   s
423568790            s                   3
423905786        -           s
342975680                    -           -
352974680                            s   3  
423975680                            s   2
423809657        -           s
543260798        -   -       -   s       3
253469807    -       -           -
342567890            -           -       -
324567890                                s
All the 567890s, 657890s, 568790s, 657690s, and 974680s, with 20 each 098765s, 0978s and 975680s, and 6 courses of tittums. Computer checked.


234567890   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
423567890                               -
423907856       s           s           3
523467890       s   s       s
623457890               s 
423657890           s                   3   
643250978   s       -           -       3
263458907           -           -
423658790   -       -                   3 
523468790           s   s                  
423568790           s                   3 423809657       -           s 
342975680                   -           -  
352974680                           s   3 
423975680                           s   2
423809657       -           s              
543268790       -   -       - 
253468790           -                     
423569078   -       -           s       3  
342567890   -                   -       -
324567890                               s
All the 657890s, 568790s, 658790s, 0978s, and 74680s, and 20 each of 567890s, 0987s, 098765s, and 75680s Computer checked.


23456  W   M   H
42356          -
23645  s   s   2
42635  -       3
34625  -       3
62345  -       -
42365  s       3
35246  s   s   -
23546     (3)  -
42536  -       3
34526  -       3
52346  -       -
23654  s   s   2
52634  -       3
62354  2       -
52364  s       3
34256  s   s   -
32456          s
Repeat. For 5040, omit (3) in either part or call SS at this point in both parts.
144 combinations of 4,5,6 in 5,6. Computer checked.

Plain Bob Royal


234567890   1   4   5   8   9
423567890                   4
523460987   s   -   -       3
423560798   s       -       ss
423568790       s           6
632458790   s           s   s
432658790   s               3
623458790   s               s
423650897   s   -   2
423657890       s           3
523467890   s           s
234567890   s               2
All the 567890s, 11 657890s, 23 568790s and 13 658790s and 18 each 0987s with 7890s off front. Computer checked.


234567890   1   4   5   8   9
423567890                   -
523460987   s   -   -       3
324568790   s       -       4
423568790       s           4
632458790   s           s   s
432658790   s               4 
624358790   -               s
324650897   s   -   2       
324657890       s           4
543267890   -           s   s 
234567890   s               3*
2=BB  3=BBB  3*=BSB  4=BSBS
16 567890s and 658790s,  15 658790s and 568790s, with 18 each 0987s with 7890s off front. Computer checked.


234567890    1   3   4   5   6   8   9
432567890                            2*
432907856        s           s       3
243567890        s           s       -
243567089                -           3
243569078            -               3
243568790            s   2           3
623458790    -                   s
423658790    s                       3
623450879    s       -   s
365284790            -
423657890    s       -               3
532467890    s                   s   s
234567890    2                       -
2=BB  2*=BS  3=BBB
12 each 098765s with 567890s off front; 18 each 0987s with 7890s off front; 17 567890s; 11 657890s and 568790s; 12 658790s. Computer checked.


234567890    1   3   4   5   6   8   9
432567890                            2* 
432907856        s           s       3
243567890        s           s       -
243560987            -   -           3
243560798                -
623458790    -       s           s
423658790    s                       3
532468790    s                   s
423568790    s                       3
523460879    s       s   -
423569807    s       -
623457890    s       -           s   ss
423657890    s                       3
532467890    s                   s   s
234567890    2                       -
2=BB  2*=BS  3=BBB
12 each 098765s with 567890s off front; 18 each 0987s with 7890s off front; 17 567890s and 12 each 657890s, 568790s and 658790s. Computer checked.


234567890    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
423567890                                    -
423907856            s           s
423569078            -           2           ss
423705896            -           -
423795680                    -   s
453297680        -  
432597680   -                                2
497365280        -                   -       s
352904786   s    -               -   -
352974680                        -           ss
342975680        s                           ss
352804697        -   -           s
423568790        -               -           2
623458790   s                            s
423658790   s                                ss
623450879   s            s   -
623459807                -
423657890   s            -                   ss
543267890   -                            s
234567890   s                                s
Computer checked.


234567890   1   3   4   5   6   8   9
423567890                           -
623457890   s                   s
423657890   s                       3
523467890   s                   s
423907856   s   s           s       3
342567890       s           s       -
542367890                A   
352467089   -           -           
234569078   -       -               3*
423567089               -           -
423568790           -               3
623458790   s                   s
423658790   s                       3
523468790   s                   s
432560879   s       -   s           s
234567890           2               2*
2=BB 2*=SB 3=BBB 3*=SBB
A=2,3,4,5,6,s7 making a 7-lead course.
12 each 098765s with 567890s off front; 18 each 0987s with 7890s off front; 16 567890s, 12 each 657890s, 568790s and 658790s. Computer checked.


234567890   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
423567890                                   -
423567089                   -        
423569078               -                   ss
423705896           -           -
326745980                   s   s       -
354297680       -                   -       ss
432597680   -                               2*
297543680       s                       s   -
236945780       -                   s
342975680                           -       2
352974680       s                           ss
347865290       -   -               -
365428790       -                   -       s
432658790   -                           2*  ss 
532468790   s                           s   s
432568790   s                               ss
632548790                  A          
678345290       -                   s       s 
452367890       s                   s   s
234567890   -                               - 
2=BB 2*=BS  A=1,2,3,4,5 making a 7-lead course. Computer checked.