Several state agencies, including the South Florida Water Management District, objected to the Comp Plan amendments because they claimed that Florida Statutes reserved water resource concerns to state agencies.

The County has a right to consider water resources under its comprehensive planning powers under FS 163. The County has used that power to consider wetlands, drainage, and the impact on water resources when looking at land use decisions. They have done so since the original plan was adopted in 1982. They have won court battles on the issue.

The amendment clearly states that policies will be consistent with state law.

It is ironic that the state agencies are claiming that our water resources are completely and adequately protected by the state at a time when the St. Lucie River is in crisis because of state water management. The following two part article describes our current crisis.

Click here to read "Hope for a Dying Estuary. Will help come in time?"

Maggy Hurchalla