As of Wednesday July 3rd, over 200 emails had been sent to Martin County Commissioners in support of the amendments. Please read:

- Letter from Richard Grosso, one of Florida's top land use lawyers

- Letter from The Loxahatchee Coordinating Council

- Letter from 1000 Friends of Florida

- The Guardians of Martin County state:

Our Comp Plan, however, remains under incessant attack. The revisions restore the Plan’s basic integrity and include the requirement of a supermajority vote to change key elements like our four-story height limit and our Urban Services Boundary. These are now up for a final hearing before our County Commissioners next Tuesday, July 9 at 2pm at the County Administrative Building in Stuart; if more discussion is needed, the hearing can be continued on August 13.

Opponents of the revisions, including Big Sugar, the Economic Council, Lake Point (the rock pit operator that is suing Maggy Hurchalla), King Ranch (AgTEC) and Becker (Hobe Grove), want to delay or deny the Comp Plan revisions.

We urge you to register your support of the revisions to the Commissioners before Tuesday, and if at all possible, attend the hearing to demonstrate your support.