Work in Progress

Revise & Resubmits

Asset-Price Redistribution

with A. Fagereng, É. Gouin-Bonenfant, M. Gomez, B. Moll, and G. J. Natvik

This version: October 2023, First version: July 2022

Revise & resubmit Journal of Political Economy

Saving Behavior Across the Wealth Distribution: The Importance of Capital Gains

with Andreas Fagereng, Benjamin Moll, and Gisle J. Natvik 

This version: May 2021. First version: December 2019

Slides, Online Appendix

Revise & resubmit Review of Economic Studies

A Parsimonious Model of Idiosyncratic Income

with Edmund Crawley and Håkon Tretvoll

This version: April 2023. First version: March 2022


Revise & resubmit International Economic Review

Fisher Effects, Monetary Policy, and Household Indebtedness

with Andreas Fagereng, Magnus Gulbrandsen, and Gisle J. Natvik

Previously circulated as "How Does Monetary Policy Affect Household Indebtedness?"

This version: September 2023. First version: November 2021

Revise & resubmit Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

Working Papers

Estimating the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution using Dividend Tax News Shocks

with Rustam Jamilov, Marek Jasinski, and Plamen Nenov

This version: March 2024

Saving after Retirement and Preferences for Residual Wealth

with Giulio Fella and Thomas M. Pugh

This version: May 2024. First version: January 2024

The Investment Channel of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Norway

with J. Cao, T. Hegna, R. Juelsrud, T. König, and M. Riiser

This version: June 2024. First version: May 2023

K-returns to Education

with Andreas Fagereng, Luigi Guiso, and Luigi Pistaferri 

This version: May 2021. First version: September 2020


Housing Wealth in Norway, 1993 - 2015

Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 2020

with Andreas Fagereng and Kjersti Næss Torstensen

Published Version

Restrictions on Wave Equations for Passive Media

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017 

with Sverre Holm

Norwegian Papers


Norges Bank Watch 2023

with Kjetil Martinsen

Replication Package

Norges Bank Watch 2022

with Kjersti Haugland and Sharon Zollner

Drivkrefter bak lav etterspørsel i økonomien

Statistics Norway Reports 2020/32, 2020

with O. Berg, T. v. Brasch, Å. Cappelen, A. Raknerud, H. Tretvoll, and T. C. Vigtel