Current Promotion

Commit to 3 months during your first month and get a FREE uniform!

SAVE $35

* Uniform = Soo Bahk Do Uniform

Bring in a friend who commits to 3 months or trains for 3 months and you get a free month!

During the 08/24/2011 meeting of the 501c4 Board of Directors of the U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, the Board accepted and adopted the U.S. Military Membership Program as proposed by Sa Bom Nim Bill Nelson of the Technical Advisory and author of "Your Weapon Within."

Sa Bom Nim Bill Nelson proposed the Federation offer free memberships to all military personnel in recognition of their service to our country and that Certified Studio Owners be encouraged to consider offering free or discounted training opportunities to Military Personnel for the same reason.

Free US Soo Bahk Do Federation Membership for U.S. Military & Veterans.