About Us
What is Mars Hill?
We are a parent-led, Speech and Debate club for Christian Homeschoolers who are between the ages of 12 and 18. We are a part of the national homeschool Speech and Debate league called Stoa.
The benefits of Speech and Debate are innumerable! We offer opportunities to learn various Speech events and Debate styles like Team Policy, Lincoln Douglas, and Parliamentary debate through professional coaching supplemented with alumni and parent-led coaching and competitive tournaments. In addition to developing their rhetoric and research skills, students also grow their faith, character and develop strong friendships.
Our name is found in the Bible (The Book of Acts, Chapter 17). Mars Hill was an important meeting place where philosophy, religion, and law were discussed in New Testament times. At Mars Hill, the Apostle Paul spoke to the citizens of Greece about the One true God, the Creator of the universe, His love for humanity and His Son, Jesus, the Messiah.
Paul’s sermon is a classic example of a gospel presentation that begins where the listeners are and then presents the gospel message in a logical and biblical fashion.
Our vision is to encourage and equip students to become effective communicators of the truth, defenders of the faith, and a transforming influence on our culture. Soli Deo Gloria !
Below you can watch a sample of the speeches our students put together each year.
Meeting Schedule & Location
We meet on Mondays (August 28- end of April)
Monday August 28th: 5:30 pm Mars Hill Club Kick-off
Monday August 28th: 5:30 pm Speech Club Kick-off
September 4th: No Club on Labor day
Monday: September 11th: 1:30 pm Debate Club Kick-Off
Our meeting location is Cornerstone Family Church of Fountain Hills: (formerly First Baptist Church)
10215 N. Saguaro Blvd., Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
"In Messiah you were enriched in all
Speech and Knowledge,
so that you are not lacking in any gift."
~1 Corinthians 1:4-7
Mark Your Calendars!