
ESG - Reframe Carbon Divestment Story from Doomsday to Optimism

Five tips for getting things done when procrastination strikes

Setting timelines can make it harder to get work done

Why You Need To Attend An In-person Conference, Now

That Deadline’s Not Gonna Help You Get It Done, Actually

Is Working From Home More Productive? You Might Be Surprised…

Supply chain crisis

Lessons and losing (starts at 42:00 min)

Cut yourself and others some slack: we need more time to experiment and fail at work

Discover the power of experimenting with Maroš Servátka [podcast]

WFH and Productivity

The Great Resignation: The economics behind the mass exodus

Australian-NZ Study Finds Zero or Short Deadlines Best for Ending Procrastination

Excellence in Research Award: Five Future-shaping Research Priorities – Prosperous Economies, Macquarie University 2021

New study unlocks secret to avoiding procrastination

The art (and science) of procrastination

Workplace discrimination

Otago researchers figure out how to deal with procrastination

Short deadlines or no deadlines are the best, long deadlines the worst, research shows

Otago researchers discover best way to avoid procrastination

New research identifies key to discouraging procrastination

Clever experiment reveals the ideal deadline to set to actually get stuff done

ABC Sydney Radio interview on procrastination and the effect of deadlines (starts at 25:00 min)

What’s the right deadline to set for finishing work on time? New study sheds light

Meeting deadlines: Why do we procrastinate on certain tasks?

People are more likely to complete a task if there is no deadline

What deadline length is best for avoiding procrastination and completing tasks?

Celebrating Our 2021 Academic Staff Awards finalists: The Groundbreakers

Working from home less productive, Australian study finds

Research finds working from home can be less productive

Home or office - where do people perform at their best?

Home or office? New research reveals where workers perform best

Climate meets finance: Can the finance sector support climate?

Working remotely: What's the buzz around working from home?

Online shopping boom: Is e-commerce here to stay post-pandemic?

Vaccine confidence: Cash incentives or a lottery to get the jab?

Can crypto be compared to pyramid schemes?

Please explain: What lies behind the cryptocurrency mania?

Why crypto doesn’t just inspire investors, but also fans

New data reveals which Australian capitals have the best (and worst) restaurant tippers

Beware the bubble as amateur traders break records

Budget blowouts and broken promises: How to avoid project failures

Transaction costs and procrastination in charitable giving

Status quo effects in fairness games

Economic experiments in project management

How not to fall into the trap of our own intelligence?

All Things Considered… We do not know what we do not know

Investment hubris a handicap in pandemic era

Being nice: What makes us tip?

Please explain: What is high-frequency trading?

What are market bubbles and can they be popped?

On the importance of experimentation

New economics research paper sheds light on why people and companies keep repeating the same planning mistakes

Prestigious Industry award for Macquarie Business School Professor

Ronald Coase Institute Outstanding Achievement Award [photo]

Think twice before trying to get the upper hand in a business deal

What makes people be kind

Nicer to you, nicer to me: Research finds generous acts are rewarded, regardless of intent

The financial cost of opportunity lost

No deadlines key to charity success

Economics team studying workers' comparing wages

Giving to charity but only if you have time

How a 'nurturing nature' holds some women back

Women who see themselves as warm, supportive tend to compete less in workplace

Doing it for the team: New insights into group identity

Women can face identity conflicts in the workplace

On irrationality and wrong decisions

Research looks at responses to generous actions

What if we could increase trust and trustworthiness?

Understanding what causes market bubbles could soon become a reality

NZ experimental economics center breaks new ground

Desert hockey delivers