Maroš Servátka

Professor of Economics & Director, MQBS Experimental Economics Laboratory

Deputy Director, MBA Program

Macquarie Business School, Sydney, Australia

Email: maros.servatka [at]   Linkedin

Maroš Servátka is a Professor of Economics at Macquarie Business School. He is the Founding Director of the MQBS Vernon L. Smith Experimental Economics Laboratory and the Founder and a former President of the Slovak Economic Association. Maroš previously served as the Economics Discipline Leader at Macquarie Graduate School of Management and held an Associate Professor position at University of Canterbury where he was also the Director of the New Zealand Experimental Economics Laboratory. He has been awarded national and international competitive grants and his research has been published in leading economics and management journals. Maroš is the recipient of the 2019 Ronald Coase Institute Outstanding Achievement Award and 2021 Macquarie Excellence in Research Award. 

Maroš specializes in experimental and behavioral economics and has experience consulting to industry, government & non-profit organizations on behavioral approaches and solutions. He has conducted research in the area of charitable giving in order to help charities to raise funds and provided behavioral insights to businesses on market strategy, customer service, and project planning. He has advised government agencies on behavioral public policy issues, studied matching algorithms used by stock exchanges, and explored governance structures of firms and employee behavior to provide managerial recommendations. He teaches his executive MBA students to apply experimentation in their organizations to learn what works but also what does not.

Working papers

"Time Costs and Search Behavior," with Annie Hsiao, Simon Kemp, Matt Ward, and Le Zhang [download]

"Promotions and Group Identity," with Michal Ďuriník, Hodaka Morita, and Le Zhang [download]

"Why Do Some Nudges Work and Others Do Not?" with Matej Lorko and Tomáš Miklánek

Selected publications

Honesty in the City," with Martin Dufwenberg, Paul Feldman, Jorge Tarrasó, and Radovan Vadovič

Games & Economic Behavior, 139, 2023, 15-25. [download] [working paper]

To Keep People from Procrastinating, Don't Give Them a Deadline (with Amy Meeker, Stephen Knowles, Trudy Sullivan, and Murat Genç)

Harvard Business Review, September-October 2022, 28-29. [download

Improving the Accuracy of Project Schedules (with Matej Lorko & Le Zhang)

Production & Operations Management, 30, 2021, 1633-1646. [download] [working paper]

Attainment of Equilibrium via Marshallian Path Adjustment: Queueing and Buyer Determinism (with Sean Collins, Duncan James & Radovan Vadovič)

Games & Economic Behavior, 125, 2021, 94-106. [download] [working paper] [supplementary material]

Designing Call Auction Institutions to Eliminate Price Bubbles: Is English Dutch the Best? (with Cary Deck & Steven Tucker)

American Economic Review: Insights, 2(2), 2020, 225-236. [download] [working paper] [online appendix] [data]

Price-Setting and Attainment of Equilibrium: Posted Offers Versus An Administered Price (with Sean Collins, Duncan James & Daniel Woods)

Games & Economic Behavior, 106, 2017, 277-293. [download] [online appendix]

Honesty and Informal Agreements (with M. Dufwenberg & R. Vadovič)

Games & Economic Behavior, 102, 2017, 269-285. [download] [square deal?]

Status Quo Effects in Fairness Games: Reciprocal Responses to Acts of Commission vs. Acts of Omission (with James C. Cox & Radovan Vadovič)

Experimental Economics, 20, 2017, 1-18. [lead article] [download]

Transaction Costs, the Opportunity Cost of Time and Procrastination in Charitable Giving (with Stephen Knowles)

Journal of Public Economics, 125, 2015, 54-63. [download]

Group Identity and Relation-Specific Investment: An Experimental Investigation (with Hodaka Morita)

European Economic Review, 58, 2013, 95-109. [download]

Separating Reputation, Social Influence, and Identification Effects in a Dictator Game

European Economic Review, 53, 2009, 197-209. [download]

Recent grants

Financial Decision Making of Young Australians (with R. Wood, W. Mailer, D. Kent, V. Mollica)

Commonwealth Bank of Australia, 2022-26

Evidence-based Policy Making (with Zuzana Brokešová, Matej Lorko, Jana Péliová & Robert Slonim)

Slovak Research and Development Agency, APVV-19-0573, 2020-2024

Unintended Consequences of Promotions in Organizations (with Barbora Baisa & Jiří Špálek)

Czech Science Foundation, GAČR20-12863S, 2020-2022

Natural-Resource Windfalls and Demands for Government Accountability (with Alex James & James Murphy)

International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics (IFREE), 2019-2020

University of Alaska Anchorage Lecture Series on Experimental Economics and Philanthropy (with James Murphy)

International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics (IFREE) and Rasmuson Foundation, 2018-2020

Experiments on Blood and Plasma Donations (with Martina Fehérová & Jana Péliová), Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, 2018-2019

Selected consulting

National project of disease prevention, Ministry of Health, Slovakia, 2019-2020

Whole blood and plasma collection, National Transfusion Service, Slovakia, 2018-2019

Budget execution and underspending, New South Wales Department of Premier & Cabinet, Behavioral Insights Unit, Australia, 2017