Past Officers & Managers

MRFC, was founded nearly 40 years ago. There are many people that have dedicated hours, months and years supporting and running Marlborough Rovers. Have you been a manager,coach or club officer? The club wouldn't be where it is today without the help and support over the years. We would love to build this listing of former supporters on the website, so if you can send us your details we'll add you in. Simply email us at - please only send us your details if you are over 18 and are happy to have your details on our site.

To help with your search on this page simply press 'Ctrl' and 'F' keys and a search box will appear in the top of your browser. Type in a name (or part name) and it will instantly tell you how many matches there are, and highlight them on the page... give it a go! If your on an iPad then just type the name directly in the address bar a list of results will appear. To find it on the page, scroll all the way to the bottom to see On This Page, tap on it and it will highlight the name in yellow and will also allow you to scroll through the list. (This little tip will work on any website!). If somebody has a solution for an Android device please let us know on the form below so we can update instructions for these too).

MRFC Officer & Manager Database

Please feel free to send your info direct to us by using the form below.