Hire Charges

Hire charges for the year starting 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025:

Hire Charges 2024/25

* Organisations subject to reduced rates: 

Mark PCC, Mark First School, Mark First School PTFA, Sedgemoor College, Mark Youth Theatre,  Mark WI, Mark Short Mat Bowls Club, Mark Moor Bowls Club, Mark Cricket Club and Mark Table Tennis Club.

Mark parishioners are also eligible for the reduced rates.

The deposit paid on receipt of the booking form is not refundable if the booking is cancelled within four weeks of the hire date. All bookings for any type of event booked from Friday mid-day to Sunday evening 6.00pm require a full 50% deposit, again non-refundable if cancelled within four weeks of the hire date.

All bookings are subject to the discretion of Mark Community Association

Click here to download the Hire Charges.