Clean Up All MT4 Objects: An MQL4 Script Using ObjectDelete

Metatrader 4 (MT4) is a free intraday forex charting platform for forex trading. Clean Up All Objects.mq4 is a MQL4 script written for MT4 in MQL4 that enables quick clean up of chart objects that get left behind, via the ObjectDelete() function. The MQL4 code is freely downloadable and is so simple to understand that even a non-programmer can easily determine how it works. For more information on how the code works, please see this MQL4 tutorial on how to delete all objects from a MT4 chart. All the code used in this MQL4 script is explained in this simple tutorial.


Clean Up All Objects MT4 Before

Have you ever wished you could quickly delete all those pesky malingering objects on MT4 without going through them one-by-one, or sitting on the backspace key? Now you can with a simple MQL4 script that deletes all objects, and gets rid of the lingering MT4 comment at the top of the screen. CleanupAll_Objects.mq4 will only work on the MT4 chart that is selected, so if you have many charts that need cleaning, you will need to go through them one by one. It is still much faster than manually deleting the objects one by one within MT4. There is really no comparison.


Clean Up All Objects MT4 After

The MT4 platform MQL4 code is attached below for you to download and use. Download free MQL4 script now! You may post this MT4 script to other sites, but if you do, you must post a link to this page directly and you may not sell it or the source code. You are otherwise free to copy, use and distribute this MQL4 script for non-commercial use. Please see the MQL4 code for additional licensing information.

Just download and place the MQ4 file in your ..\experts\scripts folder, restart MT4 and you should find a MT4 script called CleanUpAll_Objects MQ4 in your Navigator pane. Double click the MT4 script in the Navigator pane within Metatrader and the selected chart should be clean again!

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