Publications, Projects and Talks

Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

Coria, Dupoux, Faucheux & Slunge (2023) "What drives the substitution of hazardous flame retardants in electronic appliances in Sweden?". Cleaner Waste Systems, Vol 6

Keywords: flame retardants, chemical substitution, companies, health, environment, REACH, Swedish tax on chemicals in electronics, choice experiment, survey

Dupoux and Martinet (2022). "Could the environment be a normal good for you and an inferior good for me? A theory of context-dependent substitutability and needs. ". Resource and Energy Economics, Vol 69 101316. 

Keywords: environment, public goods, substitutability, needs, context, willingness to pay, inferior goods

Dupoux (2019). "The land use change time-accounting failure". Ecological Economics, Vol 164. 

Keywords: Land use change dynamics, Cost-benefit analysis, Public assessment of projects, Discounting, Relative carbon prices, Biofuel

Working Papers

Beyond perfect substitutability in public good games: heterogeneous structures of preferences

Working Paper downloadable HERE Awarded the Young Economist Best Paper Prize at the FAERE Annual Conference (2017)Keywords: Keywords: structure of payoffs, public good game, substitutability, complementarity, heterogeneity, free-riding, inequality, panel data

Ongoing projects

Distribution of social preferences in changing environments

With Laurent FaucheuxKeywords: public good game, social preferences, heterogeneity, changing environment, lab experiment, structural modelling, finite mixture models

How does social information improve public support for corrective taxes?

With Benjamin OuvrardKeywords: beliefs, corrective taxes, externality game, social information, voting behavior, lab experiment

Glyphosate in social media: a spatio-temporal analysis of controversies among European stakeholders

With Abdulhakim M. Abdi, Niklas Boke Olén, Michael Bossetta, Nils Droste, Maj Rundlöf and Vasiliki  SimakiKeywords: tweet, stances, sentiments, political events, glyphosate, health, environment, stakeholders, Europe, text analysis, sentiment analysis, BERT model, spatial analysis, causal inference

Drivers of the willingness to use car-sharing: An application to the Gothenburg area

With Magnus HennlockKeywords: car-sharing, mobility habits, choice experiment

projects in their early phase

Nudging financial professionals towards greener investment

With TBDKeywords: nudging, injunctive messages, priming, green investment, financial professionals, online experiment

Inequalities of "power to act" and justice of the ecological transition

With Emmanuel Combet, Antonin Pottier and  Jessica Nihlén FahlquistKeywords: carbon tax, yellow vests, power to act, justice, survey

Upcoming Talks

April 2022 - FRAM Seminar Series at the University of Gothenburg

June 2022 - Behavioral Seminar Series at the University of Gothenburg

For previous talks, see my CV.