Doctoral thesis

I defended my thesis on the 16th of January 2017.

Title: Structure of preferences, decision-making and the environment: theoretical and experimental approaches

Supervisors: Prof. Alain Ayong Le Kama (University of Paris Nanterre)

Director of Research Vincent Martinet (INRA)

Members of the Jury: Prof. Stefan Baumgärtner (University of Freiburg, Germany)

Prof. Charles Figuières (University of Aix-Marseille, France)

Prof. Anke Leroux (Monash University, Australia)

Prof. Fabien Prieur (University of Paris Nanterre, France)

The thesis focuses on the heterogeneity of project evaluations in the context of environmental impacts. Three aspects are dealt with: (1) the way environmental impacts are accounted for over time, (2) the role of the structure of preferences (substitutability versus complementarity between private consumption and the environment) in environmental and time preferences at the individual level, and (3) the role of the structure of preferences in providing a collective good (i.e. when individuals interact one with another).

For more details, you can download my thesis at :!AuRxYjsYIM36jtYEsj30qtJfyOyr3g?e=M49dx9

and the document support of my defense: Thesis_Defense.pdf