
The investigations carried out during these years have been presented in several congress:

Ramón Aparicio-Ruiz, María Roca López-Cepero y Beatriz Gandul-Rojas. Método para predecir el envejecimiento del aceite de oliva virgen y establecer su consumo preferente. Jaén (Spain). May 2013.

Hidalgo A, Sinnecker P, Pérez A, Roca M y Unidad de Salud del Ayto de Sevilla. Social awareness about nutrition. Modeling cities of scientific culture (PLACES EU PROJECT). Turín (Italia). June 2013.

Beatriz Gandul-Rojas, María Roca and Lourdes Gallardo-Guerrero. Detección de la adulteración del color de aceitunas verdes de mesa con el colorante E-141ii. IV Jornadas internacionales de la aceituna de mesa. Córdoba (Spain). February 2012.

Honorio Vergara-Domínguez, Beatriz Gandul-Rojas and María Roca. Role of Peroxidase Activity in Chlorophyll Degradation During Olive Fruit Ripening. 6th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PIGMENTS IN FOOD. Budapest, Hungria. 20-24 June 2010.

Rebeca Fernández-Orozco, María Roca, Beatriz Gandul-Rojas, and Lourdes Gallardo-Guerrero. Contribution Of Chloroplastic Pigments And Phenolic Compounds To The Antioxidant Capacity Of Olive Fruits During Ripening. 6th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PIGMENTS IN FOOD. Budapest, Hungria. 20-24 June 2010.

B. Gandul-Rojas*, R. Aparicio-Ruiz, M. Roca, L. Gallardo-Guerrero y M. I. Mínguez-Mosquera. Los pigmentos como marcadores de trazabilidad en el aceite de oliva. Expoliva. Jaén España. May 2009.

Lourdes Gallardo-Guerrero, Francisca Gutiérrez-Rosales, José J. Ríos-Martín, M. Roca, Mª. Isabel Mínguez-Mosquera and Beatriz Gandul-Rojas. Effect of phenolic compounds present in olive pulp on peroxidase-chlorophyll bleaching activity. 5th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PIGMENTS IN FOOD. Helsinki (Finlandia). 14-16 August 2008.

M. Roca, D. Hornero-Méndez, J. Costa-García, B. Gandul-Rojas, M.I. Mínguez-Mosquera. Retention of chlorophyll compounds during chromoplast differentiation in stay-green fruits of Capsicum annuum (L.). 4th INTERNACIONAL CONGRESS ON PIGMENTS IN FOOD. Stuttgart (Alemania). October 2006.

Roca, M., Aparicio-Ruiz, R., Gandul-Rojas, B y Mínguez Mosquera, M.I. Chemistry behind colour of virgin olive oil. 4th EURO FED LIPID CONGRESS: OILS, FATS AND LIPIDS FOR A HEALTHIER FUTURE. Madrid (España). 1‑ 4 October 2006.

Gandul Rojas, B.; Roca, M.; Gutierrez Rosales, F. y Mínguez Mosquera, M. I. Génesis de pigmentos clorofílicos oxidados en el aceite de oliva virgen. III CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE ALIMENTOS. Burgos, España. 29th May-1st June 2005.

Gandul-Rojas, B., Hornero Méndez, D., Roca, M, Aparicio-Ruiz, R. y Mínguez Mosquera, M.I. Determination of pyropheophytin to pheophytin ratio as quality index in extra virgin olive oils. 26TH WORLD CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION OF THE ISF. MODERN ASPECTS OF FATS AND Oils . Praga (Rep. Checa). 25-28 September 2005.

Gallardo-Guerrero, L., Roca, M., Gandul-Rojas, B. and Mínguez-Mosquera, M.I. Storage influence on the initial content and class of pigments of virgin olive oil. 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON “PIGMENTS IN FOOD MORE THAN COLOURS…”. Quimper, Francia. 14-17 June 2004.

Roca, M., Gandul Rojas, B., Gallardo Guerrero, L. y Mínguez Mosquera, M.I. Role of chlorophylls and carotenoids in the authenticity and quality of virgin olive oil. 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PIGMENTS IN FOOD. Lisboa (Portugal). 11-14 June 2002.

Gandul Rojas, B., Roca, M. y Mínguez Mosquera, M.I. Rutas alternativas de degradación de clorofilas en olivas. VI SIMPOSIO NACIONAL Y III IBÉRICO DE MADURACIÓN Y POST-RECOLECCIÓN. Madrid (España). 2-5 October 2002.

Gandul-Rojas, B.; Roca-López-Cepero, C.; Carmona-Ramón, C.; Mínguez-Mosquera, M.I. Stability of chlorophyll pigments during storage of virgin olive oil. 1th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PIGMENTS IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY. Sevilla (España). 24-26 March 1999.

Gandul-Rojas, B.; Roca-Lopez-Cepero; Míngez-Mosquera, M.I. Chlorophyll and carotenoid pattern in virgin olive oil. Adulteration control. 1th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PIGMENTS IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY. Sevilla (España). 24-26 March 1999.

Gandul-Rojas, B.; Roca-López-Cepero, C.; Carmona-Ramón, C.; Mínguez-Mosquera, M.I. Stability of chlorophyll pigments during storage of virgin olive oil. 1th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PIGMENTS IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY. Sevilla (España). 24-26 March 1999.

Gandul-Rojas, B.; Roca-Lopez-Cepero; Míngez-Mosquera, M.I. Chlorophyll and carotenoid pattern in virgin olive oil. Adulteration control. 1th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PIGMENTS IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY. Sevilla (España). 24-26 March 1999.

Roca-López-Cepero, M.; Gandul-Rojas, B.; Mínguez-Mosquera, M.I. Chloropyll and carotenoid composition as a novel authenticity index for virgin olive oil. 1th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PIGMENTS IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY. Sevilla (España). 24-26 March 1999.

B. Gandul Rojas, M. Roca López-Cepero and M.I. Mínguez Mosquera. Chorophyllic and carotenoid profile inherent to virgin olive oil. Fraud detection. IX EURO FOOD CHEM. Interlaken (Suiza). 23-26 September 1997.

Roca López-Cepero, M.G., Gandul‑Rojas, B. and Mínguez-Mosquera, M.I. Deviation of the carotenoid pattern in olive fruit Olea europaea CV Arbequina.11th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CAROTENOIDS.Leiden (Holanda). 18-23 August 1996