We are always hiring!

We wellcome applications for PhD and postodocs. If you are interested send a mail using the application button below.

We are looking for motivated researchers who want to to develop and use frontline methods for studying bacteria infection in living cells at all scientific disciplines.

We offer projects in one or several of the following topics:

  • Microbiology: Projects related to understanding the mechanisms of bacterial infection. This topic can also include Tn- or CRISPR- screens whith high content readouts. Background in molecular biology/microbiology required.

  • Peptide biochemistry: Design of new peptide drugs targeting protein interactions. Antimicrobial peptides. Background in molecular-, or chemical biology required.

  • Cellular biochemistry: Analysis of molecules and pathways involved in bacteria infection. Methods for biochemical assays at high throughput sequencing platforms and proteomics. Background in molecular-, or chemical biology required.

  • Computational biology and machine learning: Network analysis using machine learning. Computer simulation of bacteira infection using stochastic modeling. Structural biology, drug design, docking and molecular dynamics simulations. Background in Mathematics/Physics is suggested but not required.


  • Creative and self-motivated personality with interest in fundamental science or methods development.

  • Good team working skills.

  • PhD in relevant subject area.

  • Excellent communication skills in English.

  • Documented experience of solving complex scientific problems or methods development in at least one of the areas outlined above.

Join our team

Send us an email with a copy of your CV and a motivation letter. We are happy to hear from you.