Research and Related Activities

Research Interests

Dr Odello has general research interests in the field of Public International Law, with specific attention to issues related to international human rights, humanitarian law and the law of international organisations. He has also an interest in the relationship among different legal orders, based on the methodology provided by comparative legal analysis. He is involved in both individual and collective research projects, which are developed nationally and internationally. He conducts research, teaching and training activities in conjunction with different institutions.

Areas of research interest

  • Relationship between international human rights and humanitarian law;

  • Regulation of peace-keeping operations;

  • Regional organisations;

  • Legal issues related to international security;

  • Indigenous peoples and cultural rights;

  • Refugee law.

Present research activities include

  1. The co-ordination of co-edited publications, with Prof. Francesco Seatzu, Chair of International and European Law at the University of Cagliari, on The Organization of American States (TMC Asser Press/Springer).

  2. Participation as co-investigator in a ESRC sponsored project on International Commissions of Inquiry, with Liverpool University, School of Law.

  3. Participation as co-investigator in the project ‘Undesirable and Unreturnable? Policy Challenges around Excluded Asylum Seekers and Other Migrants Suspected of Serious Criminality but Who Cannot be Removed' <> a research network grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Co-led by Dr David Cantor, the director of the Refugee Law Initiative, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London.


Recent Publications

Odello M. & Seatzu F. (eds), Armed Forces and International Jurisdictions, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2013.

Odello, M. & Piotrovicz, R. (eds), International Military Missions and International Law (Martinus Nijhoff, 2011).

Parental Involvement Within the School: An Innovative Approach to Quality Education, (L'Harmattan, Paris, 2011),

Odello M. & Cavandoli S. (eds), Emerging Areas of Human Rights in the 21st Century: The Role of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Routledge, 2011).

Other Publications

'Tackling Criminal Acts in Peacekeeping Operations: The Accountability of Peacekeepers', Journal of Conflict Security Law (2010) 15 (2), pp. 347-391.

Odello, M. & Beruto, G.L. (eds), Global Violence. Consequences and Responses (Franco Angeli, 2011).

See publication launch 8 July 2011, Geneva Centre for Security and Policy GCSP),at:

Odello M. & Beruto, G.L. (eds), Non-State Actors and International Humanitarian Law. Organized armed groups: a challenge for the 21st century, (Franco Angeli, 2010).

Research and Related Activities

Here there is a list of some recent events related to my research and teaching activities:

27 March 2015, Free University Amsterdam, Paper presented at the Workshop on ‘Undesirable and Unreturnable: Italian Case Study’ (AHRC Project on Undesirable and Unreturnable, University of London/Free University Amsterdam)

16 January 2015, University of Liverpool, Paper presented at the Workshop on ‘Commissions of Inquiry and International Humanitarian Law’ (ESRC project on Commissions of Inquiry: Problems and Prospects).

6-10 October 2014, AIDS-Free World Canada and McGill University’s Institute for the Study of International Development, invited expert in the specialized workshop on ‘UN military and civilian peacekeeping personnel and sexual violence’.

Guest lecturer on presentation on ‘Applicability of human rights in the context of African peace and military operations’, International Society of Military Law & Law of War, 10th Seminar for Legal Advisers of the Armed Forces, Galway, Republic of Ireland, 6-10 May 2014.

Guest speaker in the panel "‘On the ground’: The legal protection of journalists reporting from conflict", British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 15 March 2012,

Invited keynote paper on 'Integration Politics in the UK', AWR Annual Conference, Webster University, Leiden, 21-23 September 2011.

Chair of the Round Table on 'Parental Rights in Child Education', United Nations Headquarters, Geneva, 13 September 2011.

Special Broadcasting Service Australia, 'Radio Interview on the 60th Anniversary of the Geneva Convention of Refugee Status',

18 June 2011:

International Society of Military Law and Law of War, seminar on 'Legal Complexities and the Accountability of Peacekeepers: New fors of Impunitiy?', British Red Cross Headquarters, London, 20 May 2011.

University of Surrey, Politics Research Seminar: guest speaker on 'Criminal Accountability of Peacekeepers', 13 April 2011.

Presentation on: International Law, States and Individuals, San Remo Host Lions Club, 11 January 2011.

Socio-Legal Studies Association, paper on 'Misconduct of Peacekeepers', Annual Conference, University of Sussex, 12-15 April 2011.

Paper on: ‘The Legal Recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Cultural Identity’, Workshop on Minority and Indigenous Rights: Emerging Themes and Challenges, UK Network on Minority Groups and Human Rights and the Institute of, Commonwealth Studies, Senate House, University of London, 18-19 November 2010.

Module on: 'Women' Rights and the United Nations' in Women, Immigration and Religion, Erasmus Intensive Programme, UNED, Madrid, 19-29 September 2010.

Cairo Regional Center for Training on Conflict Resolution & Peacekeeping in Africa : guest lecturer on ‘The Legal Framework of Peace Support Operations: Humanitarian Law and Human Rights’; and ‘The UN Charter and Peacekeepers: Responsibility to Protect, Human Rights and Legitimate Use of Force’, 11-12 April 2010.

Research Projects

European Union, Lifelong Learning Programme, Research Partner in the project: ‘Construction d'indicateurs de la participation des parents dans l'enseignement obligatoire’ ( Definition of Indicators on Parental Participation in Compulsory Education), started January 2009 (duration 36 months), grant of Euros 63,000 (80% co-financing).