

  1. Odello M. & Lubinski, P. (eds), The Concept of Genocide in International Criminal Law: Developments after Lemkin, London & New York, Routledge, 2020.

  2. Odello M. & Seatzu F. (eds), Latin American and Caribbean International Institutional Law, The Hague/Heidelberg, TMC Asser Press & Springer Verlag, 2015.

  3. Odello M. & Seatzu F. (eds), Armed Forces and International Jurisdictions, Cambridge/Mortsel, Intersentia, 2013.

    1. Odello M., Il diritto dei rifugiati: Elementi di diritto internazionale, europeo e italiano, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2013.

  4. Odello M. & Seatzu F., The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The Law, Process and Practice, Abingdon, Routledge, 2012.

  5. Odello M., El Derecho a la Identidad Cultural de los Pueblos Indígenas: México y Canadá, Madrid, Editorial UNED, 2012.

  6. Odello M. & Piotrowicz, R. (eds), International Military Missions and International Law, Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff, 2011.

  7. Odello M. & Beruto, G.L. (eds), Global Violence. Consequences and Responses, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2011.

  8. Odello M. & Cavandoli, S. (eds), Emerging Human Rights in the 21st Century, London/New York, Routledge, 2011.

  9. Odello M. & Beruto, G.L. (eds), Non-State Actors and International Humanitarian Law. Organized Armed Groups: a Challenge for the 21st Century, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2010.

  10. Mazzarelli R. & Odello M. (a cura di), L’insegnamento dei Diritti Umani, Roma, EDIUN, 1999. [A book on Human Rights Education, sponsored by the Italian National Committee for the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights].

  11. Asilo, Migrazioni, Lavoro, by M.R. Saulle (ed.) Assistant Editor (Collection of Human Rights Course Lectures at the University of Rome), Naples, ESI, 1995.

Chapters in edited books

    1. 'The Andean Community of Nations' in Odello M. & Seatzu F. (eds), Latin American and Caribbean International Institutional Law, The Hague/Heidelberg, TMC Asser Press & Springer Verlag, 2015.

    2. 'International Legal Regimes, Armed Forces and International Jurisdictions' in Odello & Seatzu (eds), Armed Forces and International Jurisdictions,Cambridge/Mortsel, Intersentia, 2013.

  1. ‘Popolazioni Indigene, Costituzione e Multiculturalità’ in V. Baldini (ed), Multiculturalismo, Padova, CEDAM, 2012.

    1. ‘Legal Regimes Applicable to International Military Missions’ with R. Piotrowicz, in Odello & Piotrowicz (eds), International Military Missions and International Law, Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff, 2011.

    2. ‘Indigenous Rights in the Constitutional State’, in Odello & Cavandoli (eds), Emerging Human Rights in the XXI Century, Abingdon, Routledge, 2011.

    3. ‘Organizaciones regionales y lucha en contra del terrorismo’, in Javier Jordán, Pilar Pozo y Miguel García Guindo (Coordinadores), Terrorismo sin fronteras: Actores, escenarios y respuestas en un mundo global, Cizur Menor (Navarra), Aranzadi/Thomson Reuters, 2010.

    4. ‘Regímenes democráticos y misiones de paz en situaciones de post-conflicto’, in E. Souto Galvan (ed.), Intolerancia Religiosa, Derechos Humanos y Postconflicto, Madrid, Dykinson, 2009.

    5. ‘International Security and International Organisations: Considerations under International Law’, in C. Baillet (ed), Security: A Multidisciplinary Normative Approach, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2009.

    6. ‘Fundamental Standards of Humanity: A Common Language of IHL and IHR’, in R. Arnold and N. Quenivet (eds.), International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law: Towards a New Merger in International Law, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2008.

    7. 'The OSCE and European Security Law' in Martin Trybus and Nigel D. White (eds.), European Security Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007.

    8. 'The Legal Base for Human Rights Field Operations', co-authored with Nigel D. White, in M. O’Flaherty (ed.), The Human Rights Field Operation: Law, Theory and Practice, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007.

    9. '¿Amenazas para la seguridad o amenazas para los individuos? El derecho internacional y los desafíos de la seguridad internacional', in J. González Ibáñez (ed.), Derechos Humanos, Relaciones Internacionales y Globalización, Bogota: Colombia, Grupo Editorial Ibáñez, 2006.

    10. 'La Corte Penal Internacional y las legislaciones nacionales: relación entre derecho internacional y derechos nacionales', in Oscar de los Reyes y Emilio Rabasa (eds.), Problemas actuales del derecho público mexicano, México DF, Porrúa, 2003.

    11. 'La cooperazione internazionale dell'Italia alla luce della Convenzione Internazionale sui diritti dell'Infanzia', in La Convenzione Internazionale sui Diritti del Minore e l'Ordinamento Italiano, Naples, ESI, 1994.


    1. ‘Le Royaume-Uni et la lutte contre le terrorisme’ (2014) 11 Revue Essais de philosophie pénale et de criminologie, special issue ‘Incriminer et protéger’, pp. 189-204.

    2. 'Indigenous Peoples' Rights and Cultural Identity in the Interamerican Context', (2012) 16(1) International Journal of Human Rights [Special Issue on Indigenous Peoples' Rights], pp. 25-50.

    3. 'Popolazioni indigene, costituzione e multiculturalità’, (2012) 1 Diritti Fondamentali (e-journal at: )(26 pages).

    4. 'Integration Politics and the United Kingdom', (2011) 4 AWR Quarterly on Refugee Problems, pp. 236-247.

    5. 'The Right to Take Part to Cultural Life: General Comment No. 21 of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights', (2011) 27 Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional, pp. 493-521.

    6. ‘Tackling Criminal Acts in Peacekeeping Operations: The Accountability of Peacekeepers’, (2010) 15(2) Journal of Conflict and Security Law, pp. 347-391.

    7. ‘United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Peoples’, (2008) 82 Australian Law Journal, pp. 306-311.

    8. ‘The Developing Legal Status of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe’, (2006) XXII Anuario de Derecho Internacional, pp. 351-393.

    9. ‘International Security in the Western Hemisphere: Legal and Institutional Developments’, (2005) XXI Anuario de Derecho Internacional, pp. 379-411.

    10. ‘Thirty Years After Helsinki: Proposals for OSCE’s Reform’, (2005) 10(3) Journal of Conflict and Security Law, pp. 435-449.

    11. ‘Commentary on the United Nations’ High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change’, (2005) 10(2) Journal of Conflict and Security Law, pp. 231-262.

    12. ‘La Corte Penal Internacional y las legislaciones nacionales: relación entre derecho internacional y derechos nacionales. I. Legislación nacional’, Foro. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense (Madrid), 1 (2005), pp. 295-329.

    13. ‘La Corte Penal Internacional y las legislaciones nacionales: relación entre derecho internacional y derechos nacionales. I. Legislación internacional’, Foro. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense (Madrid), [new series] 00 (2004), pp. 347-378.

    14. ‘La Cumbre Extraordinaria de las Américas de Monterrey’ Saberes, Vol. 3, 2005, pp. 1-24 (available at <>. Electronic review of the Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, Madrid.

    15. 'Los desarrollos en la protección de las minorías en el contexto europeo', Omnijurídica (Mexico), No. 1 (Autumn 2004).

    16. 'Educación en Derechos Humanos y Universidad', (2003) 9 Cooperación Internacional (Madrid), pp. 103-138.

    17. 'La Corte Penal Internacional', (2002) 3 E-juripolis, pp. 71-84.

    18. 'La Corte Penal Internacional y los crímenes internacionales', (Diciembre 2002) 5, Revista Bibliotecal (Peru), pp. 275-287.

    19. 'Instituciones Internacionales Europeas. Unión Europea y Consejo de Europa', (2002) 2 E-juripolis, pp. 29-36.

    20. 'La 53ª sessione della Sottocommissione delle Nazioni Unite per la protezione e promozione dei diritti umani', (2001) 4 La Comunità Internazionale, pp. 705-720.

    21. 'Mundialización y Derechos Humanos', (2001) 6 Cooperación Internacional, pp. 47-81.

    22. 'Genocide and the Jurisprudence of the International Ad Hoc Tribunals', (2001) 7 Militair Rechtelijk Tijdschrift (Dutch Military Law Review), pp.361-368.

    23. 'The United Nations and Fundamental Standards of Humanity', (2000) 8 Militair Rechtelijk Tijdschrift (Dutch Military Law Review), pp. 321-330.

    24. 'Human Rights: From Aid Policies to International Law. New Trends Towards the Realisation of Fundamental Rights', (2000) 4 Cooperación Internacional, pp. 95-113.

    25. 'Human Rights Education and 50 Years of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights', Universitas, n.69, 1998.

    26. 'Formazione per la pace', Universitas n.64, Rome, 1997.

    27. 'Diritto al futuro', Universitas, n.63, Rome, 1997.

    28. 'Minori e conflitti armati: riflessioni e proposte', AWR Bulletin, n.1-2/96, Vienna, 1996.

    29. 'Un Comitato per tutti i bambini', Il Mondodomani, n.2, UNICEF, Rome, February 1993.

Review Essays

    • ‘Human Security and International Peace Missions’, (2008) 12(5) The International Journal of Human Rights, pp. 857-867.

    • Review Essay of Klabbers, International Organizations (Ashgate: 2005), Schiff Berman, The Globalization of International Law (Ashgate: 2006) and Meron, The Humanization of International Law (Martinus Nijhoff: 2006), (2007) 38 The Cambrian Law Review, pp. 214-220.

Working Papers

‘Crímenes Internacionales, Comunidad Internacional y Justicia’, Working Paper Nr. 1, School of Law and Political Science, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México, April 2003.

Published Conference Proceedings, Short Articles & Other Publications

    1. ‘Popoli autoctoni, diritti culturali e costituzioni’, Convegno internazionale su I diritti fondamentali nella società multiculturale: verso un nuovo modo di intendere la Costituzione? Università di Cassino, 26-27 novembre 2009.

    2. ‘Immunités et privilèges dans les opérations de maintien de la paix’ in Actes du VIII Séminaire Doctoral International, Université de Nice, 2010.

    3. ‘Le principe démocratique entre le droit des états et les droits de l’homme’, in Actes du VII Séminaire Doctoral International, Université de Nice, 2009, pp. 58-66.

    4. ‘Separati in casa’, Universitas, n. 113, September 2009, pp. 12-13.

    5. ‘Il Research Assessment Exercise 2008’, Universitas, n. 111, March 2009, pp. 60-61.

    6. ’60 Anni di Diritti Umani’, Universitas, n. 110, December 2008, pp. 54-55.

    7. Contribution to the public debate and publication on the United Nations Reform, “in larger freedom in the UK” Report of the FCO-UNA National Engagement on the UN Reform, UNA, London 2005.

    8. ‘The OSCE and European Security Law’. Paper delivered at the International Workshop on European Security Law, School of Law, University of Nottingham, 14-15 April 2005.

    9. ‘Educación en y para los Derechos Humanos. El Decenio de las Naciones Unidas (1995-2004) y los desafíos para la universidad’, XXXIII Congreso de Investigación y Extensión del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, 23-24 January 2003, pp.802-811. Electronic publication at:

    10. . 'Humanitarian Protection in Non-international Conflict’, Report of two international workshops organised by the International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo, 2000. . Report on ‘Recourse to Traditional Diplomatic Methods for the Prevention of Conflicts’, in Final Documents Report: XIX Round Table on “Conflict Prevention – The Humanitarian Perspective”, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo, 1995.