Marc K. Chan


2009    Ph.D. in Economics, Johns Hopkins University

2005    M.A. in Economics, Johns Hopkins University

2003    Bachelor of Economics (First Class Honours), University of Hong Kong


2022 - Present        Professor, Department of Economics, University of Melbourne

2017 - 2021              Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Melbourne

2012 - 2017              Senior Lecturer, Economics Discipline Group, University of Technology Sydney

2010 - 2012              Assistant Professor, School of Economics, Peking University

2009 - 2010              Research Associate (Labor Policy), IMPAQ International, DC

Other Affiliations:

2018 - present        Research Affiliate, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU

2018 - present        Affiliate, Centre for Market Design, University of Melbourne

2017 - 2022        Visiting Fellow (honorary appointment), EDG, University of Technology Sydney

2014 - 2017            Core Member, Centre for Policy and Market Design, UTS

2010 - 2012            Affiliate, China Center for Public Finance, Peking University

Research interests:

Labour Economics, Public Economics, Econometrics, Health Economics, Macroeconomics and Finance.


Teaching and Other Professional Experience:

2017 - present    University of Melbourne:

                                          Econometrics 1 (undergraduate)

                                     Advanced Econometric Techniques 1, 2 (PhD 1st year)

                                     Computational Economics and Business (undergrad/master)

                                     Treatment Effect and Program Evaluation (master)

                                     Computational Economics (PhD)

                                     Dynamic Structural Econometrics (PhD reading topics)

2012 - 2016         University of Technology Sydney:

                                     Economics for Business II (intro micro and macro)

                                     Introductory Econometrics

                                     Economic Modelling / Econometrics II (honours, postgraduate)

2010 - 2012         Peking University:

                                     Law and Economics (as part of the PKU-Yale joint undergraduate program)

                                     Empirical Public Economics (postgraduate)

                                     Chinese Economy (short summer course for exchange students)

2006 - 2008         Johns Hopkins University:

                                     Mathematics for Economists (math camp for PhD students)

2004 - 2009         Johns Hopkins University:

                                     Research Assistant to Robert Moffitt and Christopher Carroll

                                     Teaching Assistant for Microeconomic Theory (PhD) and Macroeconomic Theory (PhD)

Selected Service:

2017 – present   University of Melbourne:

                                     Econometric Society Australasian Meetings, Invited Speaker (applied economics) (2023)

                                     Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society program committee (2023)

                                     Econometric Society Summer School in Dynamic Structural Econometrics, Lecturer (2022)

                                     Econometric Society Australasian Meetings program committee (2021)

                                     Undergraduate program coordinator (2019-23)

                                     Junior faculty mentoring committee (2017-22)

      Course unsatisfactory progress committee (2017, 2018-19 (chair))

                                     Senior academic hiring committee (2018-19)

                                     PhD program review committee (2017, 2018)

                                     Interview panel for Teaching Specialists (2018)

                                     Interview panel for Foundation Fellow, Melbourne Institute (2018)

2012 – 2016        University of Technology Sydney:

                                     Seminar coordinator (2014 - 2016)

                                     Econometric Society Australasian Meetings program committee (2016)

                                     PhD program review committee (2016)

                                     PhD comprehensive exams coordinator (2015, 2016)

                                     Academic recruiting committee (2015, 2016)

                                     Faculty board in Business School (2013 - 2015)

                                     BEc program review committee (2014, 2015)

2010 - 2012         Peking University:

                                     Research grant and fellowship committee (2010 – 2012)

                                     Student exchange program committee (2010 – 2012)

                                     Academic recruiting committee (2010, 2011)

                                     Symposium on China’s Public Finance program committee (2011)

Fellowships, Sponsorships, Grants, Etc.

2023        Co-Investigator, National Science & Technology Council (Taiwan) Research Grant, 2023-26 

                    (#112WIA0110696), with K. Kan (Academia Sinica) and M-C. Tang (CCU).

2019        Co-Investigator, British Academy / Leverhulme SRG, 2019-2022

                   (#SRG1819\191395), with Kai Liu (Cambridge).

2019        Cambridge-INET Institute Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge.

2018        Chief Investigator, Australian Research Council Linkage Project, 2018-2023

                   (#LP170101045. Partner: Australian Taxation Office), 

                   with Roger Wilkins (MelbInst), Cain Polidano (MelbInst), Ha Vu (Deakin), Andrew Carter (ATO) and Hang To (ATO).

2018        Chief Investigator, National Social Science Fund of China, 2018-2020

                   (#18BGL246),  with Guohua Zeng (JXUST).

2017        The Deans’ Prize for Exceptional Distinction in Research (Associate and Full Professors), 

                   University of Melbourne.

2014        John Weatherall Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Queen’s University.

2012        Principal Investigator, Early Career Researcher Grant, UTS.

2012        Teaching Award in Humanities and Social Sciences (1 out of 3 Silver Prizes), Peking University.

2011        Freeman Foundation Fellowship, Salzburg Global Seminars,

                  (“Economic Growth and Social Protection in Asia”).

Selected Evaluation Reports:

Growing America Through Entrepreneurship: Final Evaluation of Project GATE

   (with J. Benus, T. Shen, S. Zhang and B. Hansen), 

   prepared for the U.S. Department of Labor (2010), ETAOP series 2010-08, 1-222. 


Email: marc "dot" chan "at"

Full CV available upon request.