2008 Minutes

Tentative Minutes Nov 3




    1. Farmingdale Forum Prep

        1. participants are welcome to call to ask questions and get general support between 1-3pm EST

        2. wiki based program is now online wiki

        3. Mark Strattor can host large files on the SME FTP site

        4. Editing the Curriculum 2015 document wiki

Minutes October 28




    1. Farmingdale Forum Prep

        1. minor revisions (http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ddrvwm2m_1119fm9wcdg9)

        2. registration numbers are over 54

        3. all session leader should add descriptions of sessions to the Wiki

        4. papers/presentations due Nov., 1, 2008

        5. replacement for Keith Gardiner for session 8d - Globalization

        6. Raju will send an email about the wireless network connections

    2. The Wiki was reviewed

        1. questions, issues?

        2. A place for pre-forum discussion was created on the wiki.

        3. Mark can host large files on the SME FTP site

        1. The Directors would like to increase ties with the MER

        2. They will add a panel session for an upcoming NAMRC

        3. They are interested in getting more MER involvement from high recognition and names manufacturing schools and programs

    1. The next phone call will be noon EST Mon Nov 3, 1-3pm EST, 2008 if necessary.

MinutesOctober 7

Attendees: Karen Birch, Steve Coe, George Hazelrigg, Hugh Jack, Bob Mott, V. Raju, Mark Stratton, I Know there are some missing here

Regrets: Ron Bennett, Mohammad Fahmy, Allan LeDuc, Rich Rothaupt


    1. Farmingdale Forum Prep

        1. minor revisions (http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ddrvwm2m_1119fm9wcdg9),

        2. will extend early registration fees to Oct 31., 2008

        3. Hotel reservations can be made before Oct 13., 2008 at the lower rate

        4. 41 registered to date

    2. Abstracts for the ASEE Meeting are due Oct 10

        1. Call For Papers

        2. Bob is taking the lead on an abstract on the conferences and Hugh and Raju will contribute

        1. a basic discussion and tutorial.

    1. Editing the Curriculum 2015 document, and laying the groundwork for Part II...

    2. Main Conference planning was discussed and updates were made on the wiki. The University of Texas Austin will host the meeting June 18-19, 2009.

    3. NAMRI meeting Wed Oct 8 10:30am-noon CST. Hugh, Steve, and Mark will participate by phone or in person.

    4. The next phone call will be noon EST Tues October 21, 2008 if necessary.

    5. A place for pre-forum discussion was created on the wiki.

Minutes September 23

Attendees: K. Birch, G. Conkol, H. Jack, B. Mott, V. Raju, M. Stratton, D. Wells, S. Wendel

Regrets: H. Kreabber, W. ElMaraghy, V. Hawks, R. Rothaupt, C. Williams


    1. Items for the Farmingdale Forum

        1. review of Program

        2. links to various resources, including Curriculum 2002, etc

        3. MERC - is posting Pittsburgh results and getting a wiki ready

        4. SME MER link update to http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ddrvwm2m_1119fm9wcdg9

        5. registration at 21 - hugh and Raju will send reminders next week.

        6. presentations and posters will be requested by Nov., 1 to Hugh Jack to be posted.

    2. Other Events of interest to our group.

        1. ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference at Northwestern University, Oct. 7 - 10, 2008 (msec2008.northwestern.edu)

        2. North American Manufacturing Research Conference – An International Forum, NAMRC, at Clemson University May 19-22, 2009. (http://odce.clemson.edu/NAMRC/)

    1. Main Conference early planning strawman

        1. possible venues/dates

            1. June 18-19, 2008 - Thurs/Fri after ASEE in Austin, TX [Raju to check]

            2. June 12-13, 2008 - Fri/Sat before ASEE in Austin, TX [Raju to check]

            3. June 6-7 (??), 2008 - Fri/Sat with SME Annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA [Mark to check]

        2. projected size is 200 - 300 based upon similar events in SanDiego, etc.

    1. Questions for the next time....

        1. rough purpose statement: A open conference to bring together manufacturing educators who want to further manufacturing education. ?

        2. tracks: (some suggestions to start)

            1. emerging technologies: bio-, electo-, nano-, energy-, and more

            2. emerging methods: decision making, lean, systems ......

            3. pedagogy and innovation

            4. increasing the recruiting pipeline

            5. building strong manufacturing programs

            6. graduate level teaching and research

            7. others?

        3. should we do workshops and tutorials?

        4. organization - scientific committee(s)?

    1. The next phone call will be Tuesday October 7 at noon EST

Minutes September 9

Attendees: D. Bee, R. Bennett, K. Birch, S. Coe, G. Conkol, G. Hazelrigg, H. Jack, B. Mott, V. Raju, M. Stratton, D. Wells, L. Wolff

Regrets: E. Buchanan, V. Hawks, D. Morley, R. Rothaupt, T. Schmitz


    1. The Long Island program was reviewed.

        1. get 8 flip-charts for working groups and laptops and projectors.

        2. some minor editorial changes were made.

        3. volunteers were identified for unfilled spots.

        4. globalization was selected for the Thursday dinner talk.

        5. final checking for details.

        6. registration instructions were reviewed and changed

        7. how many have registered so far? - 11 to date

        8. to be emailed to full list (see addendum) tomorrow

    2. Next Conference Call - Tues, September 23, 2008 noon EST.

    3. Planning for the 2009 Conference - ASEE or SME Annual Meeting,

        1. set up a basic program to be edited at Farmingdale.

        2. Raju will contact somebody at Austin Texas.

    1. Curriculum 2015 document editing and feedback

        1. feedback for Bob and others on Curriculum 2015

        2. preliminary 'body of knowledge' for Farmingdale

        3. http://www.sme.org/certification

        4. CivE body of knowledge document

        5. using the wiki hosted by NCME - start with a closed group to do a trial/test.

            1. The purpose of the wiki is to capture, organize, and disseminate manufacturing knowledge.

            2. Contributors are expected to be fair and balanced.

            3. Personal attacks and vandalism will not be tolerated.

            4. Contributors are expected to be collegial and post with good intentions.

            5. Posts should avoid commercialism and should cite competitors when appropriate.

            6. Editors will be empowered to add or remove users. Appeals can be made to the editorial board.

Minutes September 2

Attendees: A. Abbas, S. Coe, L. Cox, M. Gartenlaub, V. Hawks, H. Jack, R. Kay, J. Lowe, P. Maniar, B. Mott, T. Schmitt, M. Stratton, R. Venkitaswamy, D. Wells, S. Wendel, B. Wolfe

Regrets: G. Hazelrigg, M. Postek, B. Tacon


        1. ASCE Body of Knowledge for 2000 (ISBN 13978078440965-7)

    1. Next Conference Call - Tues, September 9, 2008 12:00pm EST.

    2. Participants to invite:

        1. (Hugh and Raju) mfg and related program chairs

        2. (Hugh email Sara Leach) ASEE manufacturing division for notification

        3. (Scott Smith) NAMRI People as appropriate.

        4. Look for leadership people - provide contacts if you have them.

            1. ASME Manufacturing Division

            2. IIE

            3. IEEE manufacturing divisions

    1. Next weeks events....

        1. Finalize Long Island Forum program

        2. 2009 Conference preliminary details - location, date, etc.

        3. Curriculum 2015 document editing and feedback

        4. Wiki for documents

Minutes August 25

Attendees: K. Birch, S. Coe, M. Gartenlaub, V. Hawks, G. Hazelrigg, H. Jack, H. Kraebber, D. Morley, B. Mott, C. Sahay, M. Stratton, R. Venkitaswamy, D. Wells [Sorry if I missed any names]

Regrets: S. Smith


    1. The program was reviewed and various changes were made - see the attached document.

    2. Next Conference Call - Tues, September 2, 2008 2:00pm EST.

    3. (RAJU) SUNY Organization needs

        1. Urgent

            1. hotel info

            2. registration info

        2. Needed

            1. A/V equipment - projectors, screens

            2. spaces for 60-80 people

            3. spaces for working groups (6 smaller spaces?)

            4. wireless internet for visitors ?

        1. Optional?

            1. phone-in participation

            2. will we record with audio/video

    1. Participants to invite - Details Needed - email addresses please!:

        1. details removed - see email

Minutes August 11

Attendees: David Bastl, Steve Coe, George Hazelrigg, Hugh Jack, Hulas King, Hank Kraebber, Bob Mott, Chittaranjan Sahay, Mark Stratton, Alice Swanger, Steve Wendel, Karen Wosczyna-Birch, Raju Venikatswamy,

Regrets: Diane Chong, Gary Conkol, Dick Morley


    1. Logistics:

        1. Hotels - Hyatt Regency Hotel for $129/night or Holiday Inn for $105/night - keep up to 1 month before (Oct., 6) - no commitment (costs are much higher after)

        2. Food - SUNY will cover the cost of food and rooms

        3. Ground transport to the airport, train, and/or hotel provided by SUNY

        4. Air Travel - JFK or Laguardia, 20 miles to site - trains, taxis, and shuttles available

        5. Location: on Long Island 30 minutes from downtown Manhattan

        6. Meeting Space - single/multiple rooms - set by format

        7. A/V equipment - projectors, screens, audio, wireless, video, phone-in

        8. Registration (and due date) - $20 before Oct., 6, $50 after

    2. Plans for Fall Forum - second draft

        1. Main Meeting Dates:

            1. Thursday Nov 13

                1. noon - 4pm workshops

                2. 4 - 6pm - arrival and registration

                3. evening Tour of Dental Manuf.

            2. Friday Nov 14

                1. 8am - 6pm - sessions

                2. 8-9 am Review of RMU forum

                3. 9-11am Working groups to review RMU outcomes

                4. 11am-noon Bio-technologies invited speaker and discussions

                5. noon-2pm lunch and networking

                6. 2pm-3pm Nano-technologies speaker and discussions

                7. 3-4pm working group time

                8. 4-5pm Electronics manufacturing speaker and discussions

                9. 5-6pm working group time

                10. evening supper and networking

                11. Energy Manufacturing ??

            1. Saturday Nov 15

                1. 8am - 11am - sessions

                2. 8-9am - session A - pedagogy and methods

                3. 8-9am - session B - k-12 and other outreach

                4. 9am-11am - working groups

                5. 11am - noon - following conference planning session

                6. 1pm - 6pm - accreditation committee meeting

        1. Format:

            1. Session/day length? session 30 minutes present 30 minutes discussion, day 8am-6pm avg.

            2. Get summaries for each presentation PPT, or DOC files

    1. Participants: Previous action item:

        1. Number of participants? Aiming for 60 range is 30 to 100.

        2. The current email list includes 47, assume we need to identify and invite 40 more.

    1. The title will be the 'Second Manufacturing Education Leadership Forum; Moving Forward'.

    2. The group agreed to the following items - ACTION ITEMS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

        1. George Hazelrigg (and others) will look into possible Energy Manufacturing speakers

        2. Speakers will be identified for the Bio/Nano/Electronic topics

        3. Bob Mott will assemble a descriptive paragraph - email to group for review

        4. Hugh will move forward with Mark/Raju to formalize the process

        5. Identify attendees - email addresses to Hugh and Raju

        6. Identify desired outcomes for working groups - email to Hugh and Raju

    1. Next Conference Call - Mon August 25, 11:30am EST.

Minutes July 31

Attendees: Diane Chong, Steve Coe, Val Hawks, Hugh Jack, Hulas King, Dick Morley, Bob Mott, Rich Rathaupt, Mark Stratton, Raju Venkitaswamy, Larry Wolff


    1. Participants: Previous action item: ALL: need to consider people to invite, email to Hugh. Mark will contact Rick Jarman.

        1. Similar breakdown to last time or something else. The registration list will be reviewed as people register.

        2. Number of participants? Aiming for 60 range is 30 to 100.

    2. Logistics:

        1. Hotels - Hyatt Regency Hotel for $129/night or Holiday Inn for $105/night - keep up to 1 month before (Oct., 6) - no commitment

        2. Food - SUNY will cover the cost of food and rooms

        3. Air Travel - JFK or Laguardia, 20 miles to site

        4. Location: on Long Island 30 minutes from downtown Manhattan

        5. Ground transport to the airport and hotel provided by SUNY

        6. Meeting Space - single/multiple rooms - set by format

        7. A/V equipment - projectors, screens, audio, wireless, video, phone-in

        8. Registration (and due date) - $20 before Oct., 6, $50 after

    1. Next Conference follow up for top choices.

        1. ASEE American Society for Engineering Educ. June 14-17, 2009, Austin, TX

        2. SME Annual Meeting - Philadelphia (?), June (?) 2009, TBD

        3. Another stand alone event?

    1. Plans for Fall Forum

        1. Main Meeting Dates:

            1. Thursday Nov 13

                1. 8am - 4pm workshops ??

                2. 4 - 6pm - arrival and registration

                3. evening Tour of Dental Manuf.

            2. Friday Nov 14

                1. 8am - 6pm - sessions

                2. evening supper and networking

            1. Saturday Nov 15

                1. 8am - 11am - sessions

                2. 11am - noon - following conference planning session

                3. 1pm - 6pm - accreditation committee meeting

        1. Breakdown -

            1. 1. Review of RMU Forum 5% (1 hour)

                1. "Provide an overview of the work product from the Forum in Pittsburgh related to updating Curricula 2000 and Curricula 2002. Seek comments and additional input with special attention to the inclusion of Bio- , Nano- , and Electronics-technologies in undergraduate programs."

            2. 2. New Technologies 15% (3 hours)

                1. "In light of numerous messages indicating the importance of Bio- and Nano- and Electronics- in the future of manufacturing, provide manufacturing educators with the fundamentals of those technologies and ideas for how they can be integrated within manufacturing education programs and continuing education offerings. This can be properly done best in the time available by hearing from professionals with significant experience in the practical implementation of these technologies in a manufacturing environment and who have the foresight to project into the future."

            1. Outreach and Pedagogy 10% (2 hours)

                1. Define more????

            1. Working Groups 50% (10 hours)

                1. Groups will be charged with developing recommendations for curriculum.

                2. "Provide scheduled time for planning for the larger, open invitation conference to be held in 2009."

                3. "Provide scheduled time for leaders of manufacturing education programs to meet to discuss issues of common concern."

            1. Time for networking? 20% (4 hours)

        1. Format:

            1. Session/day length? session 30 minutes, day 8am-6pm

            2. Get summaries for each presentation PPT, or DOC files

    1. Next Conference Call - Monday Aug 11, 1pm EST.

Minutes July 10

Attendees: Steve Coe, Gary Conkol, Hugh Jack, Hank Kraebber, Bob Mott, Rich Rothaupt, Mark Stratton, Raju Venkitaswamy, Steve Wendel

Regrets: Dianne Chong, Winston Erevelles, LaRoux Gillespie, Gene Meieran, Dick Morley


    1. Review of the meeting at RMU

        1. Participant comments;

            • generally the comments seemed to be on track, there were some rough spots

            • it would be worth recirculating the survey and also reflecting on previous comments

            • attention to audio visuals would be good such as better projector lighting

            • some of the sessions varied

            • we can use the comments to adjust the planning for the following event

            • The groups from connecticut and farmingdale have offer to hold following events

        2. Costs are still being determined but it looks close.

        3. Suggestions for the "next step" (with votes, loosely sorted)

            • **(6) conference/workshop (industry and education)

            • (3) Develop a group of Manufacturing program leaders

            • (3) Form customer focus groups to obtain info and validate initiatives

            • (2) Secure "product design/development" theme

            • (1) Excellence in teaching (not technology)

            • (1) develop a plan based on Design

            • **(1) Wiki

            • (1) Image/credentials

            • (1) Globalize SME and MFG engineering education

            • Make more contacts

            • high level connections (NAE, NAS, NIST, NAM, etc)

            • write strawman curricula

            • Expand overseas grad program offerings

            • Outreach to young/diverse people

            • Advertise the true meaning of manufacturing

            • Visibility on SME home page

            • Increase the student pipeline for manufacturing education

            • Report

            • People networks

            • Consistent certifications/credentials

            • SME and Ed. Foundation focus on manufacturing eng. and tech. programs

        4. The Wiki - Steve Wendel is looking into it. We need to identify moderators (Alan LeDuc) and contributors (based on the Curricula 2015?). The focus would be on Manufacturing Education.

        5. The CIRP - CIMEC meeting - Volunteers are needed to attend.

    2. Moving Forward....

        1. Who will write what for our post meeting report?

            1. Overview

                1. Jack or Wells (??)

            2. Surveying the landscape:

                1. Conkol - What Industry Needs From Our Graduates (play off the tech watch group?)

                2. Lee (Hugh follow up ??) - Predicting the future through research

                3. Kraebber - Innovation in education

                4. Winston and Wendel (Wendel follow up ??) - K-12 recruiting and outreach

            1. Surveying the educational process:

                1. Gartenlaub and Birch (Hugh follow up ??) - 2 year program issues and recommendations

                2. Mott - 4 year program issues and recommendations

                3. Wells and Bennett (Hugh follow up ??) - Graduate program issues and recommendations

            1. Goals and Strategies:

                1. Group later (??) - The future of Manufacturing Engineering - The image of manufacturing (related to the NAE report?) ?

                2. Coe and Venkitaswamy - The role of education in preparing for our future in manufacturing

                3. Group later (??) - A plan to revitalize manufacturing education

        1. We have agreed to hold the forum in November. Raju Venkitaswamy has offered and we have accepted the offer to host a workshop in Farmingdale, NY November 13-15, 2008.

        2. Mark will identify a 2009 conference for us to join.

    1. Other items that have been missed?

        1. Followup call next week Monday July 14 at noon