Stochastic Modelling Research Group

Welcome to the Stochastic Modelling Research Group (SMRG) at the Central University of Kerala. We are dedicated to exploring the cutting-edge frontiers of stochastic processes to enhance system reliability and address complex decision-making challenges in service systems. Our research focuses on Reliability Enhancement and Game-Theoretic Analysis within the realm of Stochastic Modelling and Analysis of Queueing-Inventory Systems

The study of k-out-of-n system reliability is vital both theoretically and practically. It opens up new mathematical methods and has widespread applications in telecommunications, transportation, construction, and services. These models guide optimal strategies for high system reliability in real-world scenarios. Despite the existence of a well-developed theory for k-out-of-n repairable systems, the field remains underexplored, prompting researchers to develop models that account for various system nuances. Therefore, our research aims to maximize reliability in k-out-of-n configurations, which is crucial for applications like traffic signals, defence, satellite launches, and orbital communications. 

Our other innovative approach seeks to unravel the intricacies of stochastic models, integrating advanced mathematical and analytical tools to optimize the cost in service systems and improve operational efficiency. By leveraging game theory, we tackle intricate decision-making scenarios that arise in customer/servers' dynamic, rational behaviour in queues and integrated queueing-inventory systems.

Join us as we push the boundaries of mathematical theory and practical applications to deliver groundbreaking insights and solutions for real-world challenges.

Prospective Post-Doctoral Candidates: 

Prospective post-doctoral candidates, especially those with NBHM-PDF, N-PDF, or any other postdoc fellowships, are encouraged to discuss their research proposals with me before submitting their applications. I am particularly interested in proposals related to Stochastic Modelling and its Analysis of Queues/Reliability/Storage Systems, Stochastic Games in Queues, and Telecommunications Networks and Applications. 

Please feel free to contact me to discuss your research ideas and proposals. I look forward to engaging in productive discussions and potentially collaborating on innovative research.

Interested candidates can send in their details to my e-mail: 

Doctoral Students:  

Arya P. S

Arya P. S. joined our research team in April 2021. She earned her M.Sc. in Mathematics from the Central University of Kerala. Her current research focuses on stochastic modelling and the analysis of integrated reliability-queueing-inventory systems, with a particular emphasis on their applications in high-altitude platforms, green energy and energy harvesting technologies. 


Salini K

Salini K became a member of our research team in April 2021. She holds an M.Sc. in Mathematics from the University of Calicut and is a KSCSTE-JRF recipient. Salini’s research focuses on understanding the strategic behaviour in queueing-inventory systems, aiming at developing and analysing models to improve decision-making processes and system performance. 


Akhil Vijayan R

Akhil Vijayan R joined our research team in April 2023 as a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) on a SERB-funded project. He completed his M.Sc. in Mathematics from the Central University of Kerala, where he was a second-rank holder and qualified for GATE. His current research focuses on stochastic modelling and the analysis of integrated reliability-queueing-inventory systems, particularly on applications in high-altitude platforms, green energy and energy harvesting technologies. 


Santo Sali

Santo Sali became a member of our research team in March 2023. He holds an M.Sc. in Mathematics from Mahatma Gandhi University and an M.Phil. in Mathematics from the University of Kerala. He qualified for GATE, KSCSTE-JRF and UGC-JRF. His research interests lie in stochastic control/ and game theory applied to queueing systems, where he explores theoretical and practical aspects of these complex mathematical models. 


Internship Students: