for Presenters
To participate as presenters:
The use of wireless connections can make the connection worse. It is recommended to avoid its use.
Open a browser (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer). Try to avoid the use of Google Chrome, because it can cause problems.
Step 1-Login
Make clik at the link received from UvigoTV.
This is the image that will show first:
Then check the option Enter as a Guest, write your name in the space available for it and press "enter the room".
The first time you log on to a computer, it may ask you to install or accept a plug-in for proper operation. Click install and follow the steps.
After starting the application, it will display the following interface:
More information about Step 1-Login:
Step 2- Audio configuration
- It is essential to use a headset, preferably with built-in microphone.
- It's good to make sure that the headphones and microphone are working properly before starting the application to assure that they are connected correctly.
- The first thing to do whenever you start a new session is to make an audio setup wizard. This option is on the menu Meeting and submenu Audio Setup Wizard.
The following configuration wizard appears. Press Next to continue:
First: Audio Playback: The sound should be played on headphones to confirm that they are connected.
Second: Microphone Selection: Please select the microphone built into the headphones.
Third: Audio recording: Press Record to initiate a trial recording, speaking normally. Stop it after saying a few words, and play it to check the quality and volume of our microphone.
It is likely that it will display a message like this, asking us to access our audio microphone (and then also give you access to the image of our camera). We click Allow.
Fourth: Noise Test: In this step, the application analyzes the audio environment that captures the microphone. For this step we just keep quiet while the progress bar completes.
To finish the wizard, it will show a window with a message indicating that we have successfully completed the wizard and the values of audio and microphone noise we have selected.
More information about Step 2- Audio Configuration:
Step 3- Start camera and Voice
(If the microphone did not work or the webcam was not the desired one, you can activate the Advanced Options by clicking the right mouse button in the grey area of the screen). Press HERE for more information.
To activate our video and our audio to begin to communicate with the other participants, click the Start My Webcam button or the camera icon at the top of the window.
It will ask for confirmation to share the image of your computer (if it did not request it in the Audio Wizard) and show you a preview.
When you have adjusted the image as you prefer, you should press Start Sharing to share with other participants.
Then the image of your camera will appear along with the images of the other participants (if they are already activated).
To start talking with other participants you must connect the audio by pressing the microphone symbol located on the top of the window, changing it to green, as was done with the camera.
If the microphone picks up a signal correctly, waves will display on the top icon and the microphone icon will be also activated in the participants list next to our user.
If we press the microphone icon it will be disabled and the icon will be crossed out. To turn it back on just go back to click on the same icon .
If you deploy the options using the arrow next to the microphone you can select Adjust Microphone Volume . There will usually be displayed a level meter indicator of the level of sound and you can raise or lower it. If the level meter showes no signal, check that the microphone is properly selected and working properly.
You may request permission to intervene by clicking the icon with a snowman with raised hand that is also in the top of the window. By displaying the menu with the arrow next to the icon, you can change your status or show your opinion about the meeting or any subject under discussion.
More information about Step 3- Start camera and Voice:
Step 4- Start Presentation
This step is not necessary, as it is borne by the technical team of the University of Vigo (UvigoTV). They must have the PowerPoint presentations of each participant (exported in pdf format), and thus they must be submitted prior to
Step 5- Exit the Room
To end your session simply press the Exit option in the Adobe Connect Meeting menu. If this option is not available you can go out directly by closing the session window
Step 6- Suggestions for users
- It is advisable to maintain an orderly speaking turn, using functionality, raise hands and waiting for the host or presenter to allow our intervention.
- We suggest to have the microphone turned off during times when it is not necessary, to prevent ambient noises that can distract the person who is speaking at the time.
- In the event that delays occur, it is important to allow time for the other users so they can hear our intervention before re-asking the question or comment.
- Avoid to be placed in locations where the camera is in front of a window or a strong light source. It makes the image appear darker and can make the person's image to be hardly perceived.
- Avoid too high a sound in the headphones. In some cases the microphone can pick up the sound and produce echoes.
Step 7- In case of troubles
Explained in the following link