
Hello Frens,

I, Deepak kumar Prasad would like to share some ideas on value investing through this site. If you have any queries mail me at deep275@gmail.com

My Favorite quote :

Investing is like fielding in the slips, it's more waiting than fielding.
More a game of attentive patience than of brilliance!

  • “If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.” ——Henry Ford.

You buy a good stock at the wrong price =lose money

you buy a wrong stock at the wrong price = RIP

you buy a wrong stock at the right price = lose money

you buy an Average stock at "fair price" = keep wondering

you buy Excellent stock at limited downside at moderate or decent price if not very cheap price = you make money

we can not time the market and stock , but can always be rational to price it

if we buy at decent multiple of yday's earnings and hold it till it gets to expensive multiple of tomorrow's wonderful earnings , journey goes smooth

Safal Nivesak: http://www.safalniveshak.com/2-year-course-in-smart-independent-investing/