About Us

Malvern is one of 49 local branches of New Zealand Deerstalkers Association and was incorporated in 1972.  Meetings are held monthly in our clubrooms located at Creyke road 7:30pm on the second Thursday of the month. Occasional fund-raising events assist in keeping subs low and an annual working bee is undertaken to keep the building and grounds in order. The building is a shared facility with Darfield Gun Club, Darfield Smallbore Rifle club and Selwyn Archery Society.  Several members participate in more than one club. 

Membership applications are processed by NZDA National Office.Your subscription covers national capitation that provides funding for national activities, advocacy, research and heritage as well as running costs for Malvern Branch.  Full members receive the quarterly magazine “Hunting and Wildlife”. Social members can participate in branch activities and receive the newsletter but do not receive “Hunting and Wildlife” and have no voting rights.

Our role is to further the mission statement of New Zealand Deerstalkers Association locally.

"to retain, enhance and create opportunities for the enjoyment of legitimate recreational hunting and the sport of shooting, for the members of the Association"