Malcolm's Archive

My name is Malcolm Davidson, and this is my personal web site. Part of the content here reflects my long held passion for Macintosh computers which I have used as a hobbyist, and in my professional life, for more than 30 years. In the early 1990s I was the responsible for sourcing Macintosh public domain and shareware software off the internet for the Sydney-based Macintosh User Group called Club Mac. In those days, internet access was not readily available to the public and most Mac users relied on user groups, such as Club Mac, for accessing such software. During this time I also wrote a few tiny Mac utilities, including NoBalloonMenu, TrashDisable, and OffHook. Given this background, it should be no surprise that this site contains links to vintage public domain and shareware software for the Mac. Note that none of this software will run on modern Macintosh computers unless you use a suitable emulator of an older Macintosh operating system.

The other part of this site relates to my professional life. I am an Applied Mathematician by training, specialising in Computational Fluid Dynamics modelling, and have worked in an engineering research environment throughout my career, first in government research establishments (AAEC, CSIRO), and then as a teaching/research academic at The University of Melbourne. My current research interests are the mathematical and computational modelling of electrokinetic fluid flows at the micro- and nano-scale. I am an Associate Editor of the journal Applied Mathematical Modelling.