
I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it the right way, did not become still more complicated. (Paul Alderson -1926  in "New Scientist", 25 September 1969, 638).

The title of the Ph.D. research thesis is

Towards a mood-sensitive integrated development environment to enhance the performance of programmers

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Research Students

MS Students

Keyboard and Mouse Interaction Based Mood Measurement using Artificial Neural Networks

Status - Completed in 2013

Big Five IPIP NEO Personality Assessment Instrument: An Urdu Translation

Status - Completed in 2014

Job Search Website for illiterate and semi-illiterate Users of Pakistan

Status - Completed in 2014

Role of Software Architect in Pakistani Software Industry

Status - Completed in 2014

A Comparison between traditional and online requirement elicitation techniques

Status - Completed in 2019

Towards an efficient Urdu Keyboard Layout

Status - Completed in 2015

Design and evaluation of Inductive teaching course for computer programming students

Status - Completed in 2016

Multi-objective Live VM management strategy for Cloud

Status - Completed in 2017

User-Centered Urdu keyboard layouts testing

Status - Completed in 2017

Characterizing Touch vs Mouse friendly MSWord tasks via user testing

Status - Completed in 2017

Urdu Nastaleeq ligature classification and recognition via RNN

Status - Completed in 2018

User Interface control via BCI

Status - Completed in 2018

Toward a Dynamic Job Search Website for the Illiterate Users of Pakistan

Status - Completed in 2018

Gym exercise detection via mobile sensors

Status - Completed in 2018

Automated Social Anxiety Detection with Gaze Avoidance Technique

Status - Completed in 2019

Design and Development of a Judgement helper for Pakistani court Judges and its Usability Analysis

Status - Completed in 2020

Improving pronunciation problems in Urdu speaking dataset


Sign language conversion into Urdu spoken words


Objective Youtube content rating 




Ph.D. Student