
Search for the truth is the noblest occupation of man; its publication is a duty.

Journal Papers (Impact Factor)

1. M. S. Khan, D. Kim, I. A. Khan, F. Tila, F. Abrar, J. Shuja, A. N. Khan. (2020). Resource-Based Direct Manipulation: A User-Centric Visual Interface for Operational Customization of Future Smart Appliances, In: Telecommunication Systems (IF = 1.734),

2. I A Khan, Mehreen Iftikhar, S S Hussain, Attiqa Rehman, Abdul Nasir Khan, Babar Nazir, Waqas Jadoon (2020). Redesign and Validation of a Computer Programming Course using Inductive Teaching Method In PLOS-One (IF = 2.7, Accepted)

3. Usman Ali Khan, I A Khan*, Ahmed Din, W Jadoon, F.G. Khan, A.N. Khan (2020), Towards a Complete Set of Gym Exercises Detection Using Smartphone Sensors, In: Scientific Programming (IF=1.2),

4. Ayesha Kulsoom, S.S. Hussain, I. A. Khan*, W. Jadoon, B. Nazir, Imran Ali Khan (Accepted Nov 2019), Design and Evaluation of a Dynamic Job Search Website for the non-literate users of Pakistan, In: New Review in Hypermedia and Multimedia (IF = 0.89),

5. Muhammad Faisal Aziz, Abdul Nasir Khan, Junaid Shuja, I. A. Khan, Fiaz Khan, Atta-Ur-Rehman, A Light-weight and Compromise-resilient Authentication Scheme for IoTs, In: Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (Accepted, Online Published link =, IF=1.258)

6. Sehrish Qummar, Fiaz Gul Khan, Sajid Shah, Dr. Ahmad Khan, Dr. Zia-Ur Rehman, I. A. Khan, Dr. Waqas Jadoon, A deep learning ensemble approach for diabetic retinopathy detection, In: IEEE Access (IF = 4.098),

7. R. N. Jadoon, W. Jadoon, Ahmad Khan, Zia Rehman, Sajid Shah, I. A. Khan, WuYang Zhou, Linear Discriminative Learning for Image Classification (Accepted Sep 2019) In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, (IF = 1.179),

8. R. N. Jadoon, W. Y. Zhou, I.A. Khan, Amir Khan, Shahbaz Akhtar Abid, Nauman Ali Khan, Performance Evaluation of Zone-based Routing with Hierarchical Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, (Oct 2019), In: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, (IF = 1.396),

9. A. A. Awan, M. A. Khan, A. Naveed, A. A. Shah, A. Shahzad, B. Nazir, I. A. Khan, W. Jadoon, N. Shahzad (August 2019): Quality of Service Based Node Relocation Technique for Mobile Sensor Networks, In: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, (IF=1.396)

10. R. N. Jadoon, W. Zhou, I. A. Khan, M. A. Khan, W. Jadoon (2019): EEHRT: Energy Efficient Technique for Handling Redundant Traffic in Zone-Based Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks, In: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 2019, pp. 12, (IF= 1.396)

Online link = )

11. S.K. Zaman, I.A.Khan, S.S. Hussain, T. Iqbal, Junaid Shuja, Faraz Ahmad, Jaraweh Yaser (2019): PreDiKT-OnOff: A Complex Adaptive Approach to Study the Impact of Digital Social Networks on Pakistani Students' Personal and Social Life, In Concurrency and Computing: Practice and Experience -Wiley (IF=1.167, Published online first at line = )

12. T Iqbal, S.S Hussain, I.A. Khan*, H U Khan, A Rehman (2018): Fighting adult illiteracy with the help of environmental print material, In: PLOS One (Aug 2018, IF = 2.7),

13. Rab Nawaz Jadoon, WuYang Zhou, Waqas Jadoon, I A Khan, (2018), RARZ: Ring-Zone Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, In Applied Sciences 8(7) (IF=2.3, online link = )

14. M Jawad Rafeeq, Zia ur Rehman, Ahmed Khan, I A Khan, W Jadoon (2018), Ligature Categorization Based Nastaliq Urdu Recognition Using Deep Neural Networks, In: Computational and Mathematical Organizational Theory (CMOT) 25(2), (IF=1.372, online first link

15. Omer Iqbal, Waqas Jadoon, Zia Ur Rehman, Fiaz Gul Khan; Babar Nazir, I.A. Khan (2018), Robust Face Recognition under Limited Training Sample Scenario using Linear Representation In: KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (IF = 0.66

16. Rab Nawaz, Faizan-ul-Haq, WuYang Zhou, Jawad Shafi, I A Khan, Waqas Jadoon, (2018), A Reliable Scheme for Synchronizing Multimedia Data Streams under Multicasting Environment, In: Applied Sciences 8(4), p. 556 (IF=2.3)

online link =

17. I. A. Khan*, Ahmed Khan, Babar Nazir, F. G. Khan, Syed Sajid Hussain, Imran A Khan (2017): Urdu Translation: The Validation and Reliability of the 120-item Big Five IPIP Personality Scale, in: Current Psychology (Accepted: IF = 1.4

online first link= )

18. S Khan, B Nazir, I. A. Khan, S Shashirband, A. T. Chronopoulos, (2017), Load Balancing in Grid Computing: Taxonomy, Trends and Opportunities, In: Journal of Network and Computer Applications, (IF=5.273,

19. Khalid Mehmood, Babar Nazir, I A Khan, Nadir Shah (2017), Search-Based Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks, In: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. Publisher: Springer, (IF=1.529,

20. A. N. Khan, M Ali, A R Khan, F G Khan, I. A. Khan, W. Jadoon, S Shamshirband, A T Chronopoulos, (2017), A Comparative Study and Workload Distribution Model for Re-encryption Schemes in a Mobile Cloud Computing Environment. In: International Journal of Communication Systems (IF = 1.06,

21. I. A. Khan*, S.S. Hussain, Z. A. Shah, T. Iqbal & M.Shafi (2017). Job Search Website for Illiterate People of Pakistan. In: Telematics and Informatics vol 34(2) (IF = 3.789,

22. F.G. Khan, B Montrucchio, B Jan, A N Khan, W Jadoon, I.A. Khan, S. Shamshirband, A Chronopoulos (2016), An Optimized Magnetostatic Field Solver on GPU Using Open Computing Language, In: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (Wiley, IF = 1.11,

23. I.A. Khan*, W.P. Brinkman and R. M. Hierons. Predicating Computer Users Moods from Keyboard and Mouse Interaction, (2013) In: Frontiers of Computer Science, (IF=1.04, )

24. I.A. Khan*, W.P. Brinkman and R. M. Hierons. (2011). Do Moods affect Programmers Debug Performance? In: Cognition, Technology and Work, 13(4), 245-258. IF=1.11. )

Journal Papers (ISI Indexed & HEC Recognized)

1. Sadeeq Jan, Imran Maqsood, I. A. Khan, Majid Ashraf, Fazal Qudus Khan (2019). A Systematic Feasibility Analysis of User Interfaces for Illiterate Users in: Proceedings of Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Vol 56. Issue 4, pp. 1 – 17.

2. M. Asif, I. A. Khan, S. Jan. (2018). A review and comparison of the traditional collaborative and online collaborative techniques for requirement elicitation in: Journal of Independent Studies and Research – Computing, Vol 16. Issue 1

3. Ibrar Hussain, I.A. Khan, Imran A. Khan, S.S. Hussain, and Attiqa Rehman (2017) A survey on usage of touchscreen versus mouse for interaction In: Science International, Vol 29(1), pp. 83-88

4. M. Usman, I.A. Khan, M. Shafi, K. Ghani. (2015) Towards an Efficient Urdu keyboard Layout In: Sind University Research Journal, Vol 47, No. 2,

5. M. Shafi, N. Ullah, M. I. Khattak, I.A. Khan, M. Saleem, N. Minallah (2015). Mining Social Media photos to Measure Point-of-Interest Connectivity, Sind University Research Journal, Vol 47, No. 2

6. M. Fawad, K. Ghani, M. Shafi, I. A. Khan, M. I. Khattak, Nasim Ulla (2015) Assessment of Quality Assurance practices in Pakistani Software Industry, Technical Journal, Vol 20, No. II (HEC Recognized)

7. F. Iqbal, A.K. Khan, M. Shafi, I.A. Khan, I. Khattak, M. Saleem. (2012). A Framework for Word Spotting in Scanned Urdu Documents by Exploiting the Dot Orientation In: Life Sciences Journal (IF = 0.16 at the time of publication),

8. W Khan, S Muhammad, I. A Khan, MI Khattak, M Saleem (2013). Tourist’s Spots Popularity Measurement in Pakistan Through Mining Publically Available Social Media Data In: Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 16 (11), 1557-1565, Scopus Indexed

Conference Papers

1. Akber, S. M. A., Khan, I. A., Muhammad, S. S., Mohsin, S. M., Khan, I. A., Shamshirband, S., & Chronopoulos, A. T. (2018, June). Data Volume Based Data Gathering in WSNs using Mobile Data Collector. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (pp. 199-207). ACM.

2. SZA Shah, I. A Khan, I Maqsood, TA Khan, Y Khan (2015), First-Aid Application for Illiterates and Its Usability Evaluation, In: 13th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan

3. R. Ali, Ahmad. A., Hussain. B., Zarin, N., Khan. I. and I.A. Khan (2012). Cooperative Cognitive Networks: Performance Analysis of Cyclostationary Spectrum Detection Published in: IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad

4. S. Khan, I.A. Khan and K. Ghani (2012), Software Professionals Job Satisfaction: A Pakistani Cultural Context, ICSAI 2012, Yantai, China

5. S. Khan, I.A. Khan and M. Shafi (2012). Estimating Computer Users Moods from Keyboard and Mouse Interaction using Artificial Neural Networks, In 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, NUST Rawalpindi, Pakistan

6. I.A. Khan, W.P. Brinkman, and R. M. Hierons. Toward a mood measuring instrument from interaction beahviour. 23rd Conference on Psychology of Programming, 10-12 September 2008, Lancaster University, Lancaster

7. I.A. Khan, W.P. Brinkman, N. Fine, and R. M. Hierons. Measuring Personality from the use of Keyboard and Mouse. 15th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, 16-19 September 2008, Maderia Portugal

8. I.A. Khan, W.P. Brinkman, and R.M. Hierons. Moods and programmer´s performance, in´7th Psychology of programming Conference, July 02-06, 2007, Joensuu, Finland, P.3-16

9. I.A. Khan, W.P. Brinkman and R.M. Hierons. Mood Independent programming. 14th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, August 02-06, 2007, London, UK

10. I.A. Khan, W.P. Brinkman, and R.M. Hierons. Programmer's mood and their performance. 13th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, September 20-22, 2006, ETH Zurich, P.123-124


=Thesis Published as a book: IA Khan (2016). Towards a Mood Sensitive IDE to Enhance the erformance of Programmers, Lambert Academic Publishing, 165 Pages.