Research Papers

Working Papers

The Impact of Subsidies on Market Structure and Welfare in Retail  (with Matilda Orth) 2023-03 pdf (early draft) (EARIE's 50th Year Best Paper Award - Finalist, 2023)

Measuring the Dynamic Effects of Building Broadband Infrastructure (with Matilda Orth) 2022-05 pdf (early draft)

Entry Regulations and Product Variety in Retail (with Matilda Orth) 2022-04 pdf (CEPR Working paper DP15992)

Broadband Infrastructure and Firm Performance (with Matilda Orth) 2021-05 pdf (early draft)

The Determinants of Market Structure Dynamics in High-Tech Services, pdf (Draft: 2019-03)

Are workers paid their marginal product? Evidence from linked employer-employee-production data (with Matilda Orth, Amil Petrin), 2019 pdf (short)

Multi-product Technology and Productivity Dynamics: A Simulation Approach (with Matilda Orth) pdf (draft: 2019-06)

Inventories Behavior, Demand, and Productivity in Retail (with Matilda Orth), 2018 pdf (CEPR Working Paper DP13308)

Selected Publications

The Dynamic Impact of Exporting on Firm R&D Investment (with Matilda Orth, Mark Roberts, Van Anh Vuong),  pdf (NBER/CEPR Working paper DP15369) Media: VoxEU,   Journal of the  European Economic Association (JEEA),  2023

Determinants of Economies of Scope in Retail (with Matilda Orth) pdf (CEPR Working paper DP15084, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2021 

Entry Regulations, Welfare and Determinants of Market Structure (with Matilda Orth), pdf (draft), International Economic Review, 2018 

Digitization, structural change and productivity in services, (with Matilda Orth)   ( Ekonomisk Debatt, 2018)  pdf link ( in Swedish)

Productivity Dynamics and the Role of Big-Box Entrants in Retailing, (with Matilda Orth), (SSRN pdf)Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. LXV, No. 2, pp. 397-438, 2017 

A Dynamic Analysis of Entry Regulation and Productivity in Retail Trade, (with Matilda Orth) pdf (SSRN draft: 2014-10),   International Journal of Industrial Organization (IJIO) , Vol. 40, May 2015, pp. 67-80) (IJIO Best Paper Award 2016)

Real Exchange Rate Adjustment In European Transition Countries, (with Richard J. Sweeney ) link Journal of Banking and Finance, 2013, Vol. 37(3), pp. 907-926

Costs of Misspecification in Break-Model Unit-Root Tests , (with Richard J. Sweeney) pdf (version: 2013-08), Applied Economics, 2014, Vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 111–118

Marknadsstruktur och dynamik i dagligvaruhandeln, (with Matilda Orth)   (Ekonomisk Debatt, 2012)  pdf link ( in Swedish)

Research Paper(s) in Progress

The Determinants of Competition in Swedish Retail Pharmacy  (with Matilda Orth)

The  Impact of  Deregulation of Swedish Retail Pharmacy on Elderly Care  (with Matilda Orth)

Older Working Papers

Productivity Dynamics, R&D, and Competitive Pressure, pdf (SSRN draft: 2014-07)

Rejection Probabilities for a Battery of Unit-Root Tests, (with Richard J. Sweeney) pdf (version: 2013-)

From Boom to Burst and Back Again: A Dynamic Analysis in IT Services, pdf (SSRN draft: 2012-07)

Industry Dynamics and Format Repositioning in Retail, pdf (Draft: 2012-08)

Copyright (C) Florin Maican, 2024-2025