
EDGE Network

I am on the steering committee for the Economics of Diversity, Gender and Equality (EDGE) Network. EDGE is a network of UK-based economists working on issues in diversity, gender and equality across developed and developing countries. The aim of the network is to create a community of researchers working on related topics, to share ideas and to disseminate relevant information.   

The network organizes an online seminar series: the schedule is here.


2nd Development Economics Workshop with Bath and Bristol, 18th September 2023 at the University of Bristol

1st Diversity and Human Capital Workshop: Gender, 12-13th June 2023 at the University of Exeter.

1st Development Economics Workshop with Bath and Bristol, 16th May 2022 at the University of Exeter. 


Measurement of time and risk preferences, MBRG Behavioural Measurements Series, September 2020 

Questions on sensitive topics that may be susceptible to biases if asked face-to-face, MBRG Behavioural Measurements Series, September 2020