A Guidebook To The Moonlands
Magi-Nation, FATE of the Moonlands is an open-source derivative of the FATE game system intended to be used for Play-by-Post (PbP) forum games. The primary implementation (and canonical for this document) is located at Blue-Furok.com.
Aspects: Defining points about a character, often descriptive terms that tie in social or personal backstory.
FATE: Open-source game framework based on character story and Aspects. See the SRDandSite.
Fate Points: Each character has a pool of Fate points, which is reset to their Refresh Rate at the beginning of each story. These points are spent to tag Aspects for bonuses, Compel others to follow their Aspects and to define facts about the world. You gain more points by playing to your Compels, and having them awarded to you by other players or the Storyteller.
FUDGE Dice: Annotated as 4dF, they are four six-sided dice, marked with minuses on two sides and pluses on two sides. This generates -4 to +4, centered on 0.
Ladder, The: Skills are rated on a numeric scale, with descriptive names for each level.
Terrible (-2)
Poor (-1)
Mediocre (0)
Average (+1)
Fair (+2)
Good (+3)
Great (+4)
Superb (+5)
Fantastic (+6)
Epic (+7)
Legendary (+8)
Blackdaggr's d20 Magi Nation adaptation (link)