
This page displays a couple of examples of custom scarf projects.

Custom lapis scarf


Silk chiffon scarf in Elven Grey.


Diamond pattern burnout velvet scarf in North Sea blue,

dyed at the same time as the custom Niord Rune Scarf

to use up dyes left over from the custom work.

AVAILABLE - big scarf.

Base dyeing for custom Niord Rune Scarf in North Sea colors

Runes and trade ship painted in gold ink with a brush,

for custom Niord Rune Scarf.

More images from the Niord custom scarf.

The two ends are the same but with

different images and runes above them.

Custom (SOLD)


Big scarf in turquoise and lavender,

burnout velvet in a dot pattern, with fringe.

Rune Scarf with tumbling runes (SOLD)