Fixed Effect Estimation with Singletons

The paper "Exploiting Information From Singleton in Panel Data Analysis" (joint with RL Bruno and M Stampini) has been published in Economics Letters:

We are working to build a STATA command for this estimator.

In this page we share the STATA codes used to perform the Monte Carlo simulations and the empirical analysis reported in the paper.

Monte Carlo simulations have been obtained using the following program.

We first simulate the observations for the full balanced panel of Ns+Np units, and then randomly assign the unique observation period for the singleton units. FE and GMM estimates are then obtained.

program define bsgmm,  rclass  
  syntax [, nbal(integer 100) ns(integer 100) tbal(integer 2) delta1(real 1) delta2(real 1) delta3(real 1) sigma2alpha(real 1) sigma2e(real 1)]
   drop _all
   tempvar iii ttt y x alphai gammai xxi xdemeaned balobs xcs ycs xobs periodoobs
   local nobs = (`nbal' + `ns')*`tbal' 
   set obs `nobs'
   * set the unit and time variables
   gen `iii' = (ceil(_n/`tbal'))
   gen `ttt' = _n-`tbal'*(`iii'-1)
   sort `iii' `ttt'
   xtset `iii' `ttt'
   * Data generating process
   gen `alphai'=invnorm(uniform()) if `ttt'==1
   by `iii': replace `alphai' = `alphai'[1]
   gen `gammai'=invnorm(uniform()) if `ttt'==1
   by `iii': replace `gammai' = `gammai'[1]
   gen `x' = `delta1' * `alphai' + `delta2' * `gammai' + `delta3'*invnorm(uniform())
   gen `y' = `x' + sqrt(`sigma2alpha')*`alphai' + invnorm(uniform())*sqrt(`sigma2e')
   drop `alphai' `gammai'

   * Randomly assign the period of observation for the singleton units
   gen `periodoobs'=runiformint(1,`tbal') if `ttt'==1
   by `iii': replace `periodoobs' = `periodoobs'[1]
   replace `x'=. if `iii'>`nbal' & `ttt'!=`periodoobs'
   replace `y'=. if `iii'>`nbal' & `ttt'!=`periodoobs'
   gen `balobs'=0
   replace `balobs'=1 if `iii'<=`nbal'
   * Within-group estimator 
   xtreg `y' `x' , fe
   return scalar coeffbfe = _b[`x'] 

   * GMM estimator
   sort `iii' `ttt'
   * Generate demeaned indpendent variable (within-group transformation) to be used as instrument
   by `iii': egen `xxi' = mean(`x')
   gen `xdemeaned' = `x'-`xxi'
   * Generate new variables that only contain values for the singleton units
   gen `xcs' = `x' if `iii'>`nbal'
   gen `ycs' = `y' if `iii'>`nbal'
   * GMM estimtor that allows exploiting information from the singleton
gmm (consres: `y' - {b1}*`x' -{b0}) (biasres: `y' - ({b1} +{d1})*`x' -({b0}+{d0})) (biasrescs: `ycs' - ({b1} +{d1})*`xcs' -({b0}+{d0})) , ///
       instruments(consres: `xdemeaned')  instruments(biasres: `x')  instruments(biasrescs: `xcs' )  twostep  winitial(unadjusted, independent) ///
     nocommonesample vce(cluster `iii') wmatrix(cluster `iii') quickderivatives
   return scalar coeffb1gmm =  _b[b1:_cons]
   return scalar coeffb0gmm =  _b[b0:_cons]
   return scalar coeffd1gmm =  _b[d1:_cons]
   return scalar coeffd0gmm =  _b[d0:_cons]