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HomeConcept Software Support

Important Notification

Premium Dialer

Option functions at no charge

As mentioned on "About the future development policy", I continue to develop while refraining from responding to your inquiry for a while. So I have made it possible to use the following option functions at no charge not to have to take responsibility to support.

  • Select dialer automatically

  • Create a shortcut of call directly

  • Import / Export

Introducing functions

Here introduce option functions that have been made free, update functions and useful functions.

Please read the following introduction that might be new discovery even if you are already using the functions.

Select dialer automatically

Can automatically select the dialer by call type or number.

Create a shortcut of call directly

Can create a shortcut of call directly even if a dialer application itself hasn't the function that can create a shortcut.

Import / Export

Can input your settings from the file and output your settings to the file.

List Settings

Can list only specified dialers. The following settings have been added to this settings.

  • Default dialer Label

  • Prefix label Format

Dial using Share

Can dial using Share even if a call number isn't linked.

Important notification about each application

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