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Privacy Policy

Acquisition of privacy information

Services (websites, software) provided by Maestainer may obtain privacy information necessary for using the services.

When you make an inquiry by this website or your email, I will obtain your name, email address, and inquiry content as privacy information for the purpose of responding.

When using the software, I may acquire privacy information in your device such as contacts and files for the purpose of providing the function, but I will not acquire it unless you perform the operation to allow the acquisition.

Use of privacy information

The acquired privacy information will be used only for the purpose of providing Maestainer's services, and will not be used for any other purpose. In addition, I will not provide it to a third party without the consent of the service user. However, this does not apply if it is necessary to comply with laws and regulations, such as inquiries from courts and police.

Management of privacy information

Privacy information obtained through this website and your email is stored in Google services (Gmail, Google Forms, and Google Spreadsheets), which can be accessed securely by encrypted communication, and is restricted and managed so that only Maestainer can use it. However, I am not responsible for any information leaks due to problems with Google services.

Privacy information acquired through the software will be deleted when the purpose of use is achieved, unless the service user intentionally perform the operation to saves the information in your device or external storage.


Please use this privacy policy exclusive form for requests to disclose, correct, or delete privacy information, and for opinions and inquiries about the privacy policy.

However, please note that depending on the condition of Maestainer's chronic disease, it may take some time to reply or it may not be possible to reply.

Revision of the privacy policy

The privacy policy may be revised due to changes in the services provided by Maestainer. In that case, I will inform you of the revision by updating this site.

© 2014 Maestainer