
Note: Some of my refereed publications are available for educational purposes only and NOT for distribution, sharing, or commercial use. You can find some of my publications also at Research Gate, Research Map, and 

BOOK PROJECT (1) with Dr. Nathanael Rudolph


Chapter Contribution 

Hammine, M. (2022). Southern Multilingualism. A gaze from the Ryukyus. In Sinfree, M. Kaiper-Marquez, A.&Makwena, L. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and the Global South. (Available here).

Chapter Contribution
Hammine, M. (2023). New Speakers of Ryukyuan language:Negotiation, Construction, and Change of Identities. In Kubota, R., Mielick M., & Lawrence, L. (Eds.) Handbook of Japanese Language, Identity and Culture. Palgrave. (Available here)

List of Publication (recent ones are at the end)

Hammine, M. (2015). “Madoka Hammine starts her PhD in Finland.”Interviewd by Tim Murphey, Peerspective Issue 15. Autumn 2015. Online. Available at

Hammine, M.  (2016). “Sami languages in education. Case Study of Finland and Sweden.”  Flensburg: European Center for Minority Issues.  

Hammine, M. (2016). “A book review: What is Welfare Linguistics?“ Japanese Sociolinguistics Journal. “Kotoba to Shakai.”  No.18. p.128-129. (in Japanese).

Hammine, M. (2016). Six articles on indigenous language teaching of Finland for people in Ryukyuan islands. Published in Ryukyuan newspaper, Okinawa Times as weekly article in September, November, December, 2016. (in Japanese).

Hammine, M. (2016). “Linking the Ryukyus with Finland.” In C.Morsley (Ed.) OGMIOS Newsletter. 60: Published by: Foundation for Endangered Languages, Online available at

Hammine, M. (2017). Meeramuni Narahitaboori. (Miyara no kotoba o oshiete kudasai.) [Let me learn the language of Miyara]. Kotoba to shakai -kotoba no shōhinka- [Language and Society -commodification of language]. Tokyo: Sangensha. 217–232. (in Yaeyaman and Japanese). 

Lantela, L., Lantela, P., & Hammine, M. (2017). Feeling at home in Lapland–University students’ perceptions about place attachment. Acta Lapponica Fenniae.

Hammine, M., Keskitalo, P., Katjaana Sarivaara, E. (2018).  Sámi language teachers’ professional identities explained through narratives about language acquisition.  The  Australian Journal of Indigenous  Education. https://doi.orgT/10.1017/jie.2018.22

Hammine M. (2019). Indigenous in Japan? The Reluctance of the Japanese State to Acknowledge Indigenous Peoples and Their Need for Education. In: Kortekangas O., Keskitalo P., Nyyssönen J., Kotljarchuk A., Paksuniemi M., Sjögren D. (Eds) Sámi Educational History in a Comparative International Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Sámi Educational History in a Comparative International Perspective | SpringerLink 

Hammine, M. (2019). Chapter 5. Our Way of Multilingualism -Translanguaging to Break a Chain of Colonialism- In Seals, C. Olsen-Reeder, V. (Eds.) Embracing Multilingualism Across Educational Contexts. Victoria: Victoria University Press. Embracing Multilingualism Across Educational Contexts - Victoria University Press 

Hammine, M. (2020). Framing Indigenous Language Acquisition from within: an experience of learning and teaching the Yaeyaman language. The Language Learning Journal.

Hammine, M. (2020).  Speaking Our Language and Being Beautiful. PhD thesis.  Rovaniemi: University of Lapland. Speaking my Language and Being Beautiful – Decolonizing Indigenous Language Education in the Ryukyus with a Special Reference to Sámi Language Revitalization ( 

Hammine, M. (2021). Educated not to speak our language -Language Attitudes and Newspeakerness in the Yaeyaman Language-. International Journal of Identity, Language and Education.

Hammine, M. (2021). Ryukyu shogo no kyojuho kakuritsu ni mukete. [Toward establishing Ryukyuan language teaching methodolgoy]. In Hateruma, E., Kojima, Y., & Teruya, M. (Eds.) Ryukyushogo to bunka no mirai. [the future of Ryukyuan languages and culture]. Tokyo: Iwanami. (Book can be purchased here in Japanese).

Hammine, M. (2022). Rethinking Amejo through Language Policy Analysis in the Ryukyus islands - international and indigenous perspectives. In Maruyama, H., Charbonneau, L., Hossain, K. and Pastuszak, K. Decolonizing Futures: Collaborations for Renewed Discourses on Indigenous Rights in the Post-UNDRIP Era. Abstracts for Chapters of New Book "Decolonizing Futures" (cemipos)

Hammine, M. (2022). Learning to Speak Indigenous Languages with Compassionate Listening Practices. Special Issue. Multiethnica. (Available here).

Hammine, M. (2022). Autoethnography: Ga no Shotai: itami o norikoete hiraku hana. In Kawakami, I., Miyake, K. & Iwasaki, N. (Eds.)  Ido to kotoba no.2. (移動とことば第2版). Tokyo: Kuroshio. (Book can be purchased here in Japanese). 

Hammine, M. & Rudolph, N. (2022). Perceiving and Problematizing 'Invisibility' in English Language Education and Criticality: A Duoethnographic Dialogue. Asian Englishes.

Hammine, M. (2022). Southern Multilingualism. A gaze from the Ryukyus. In Sinfree, M. Kaiper-Marquez, A.&Makwena, L. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and the Global South. (Available here).

Hammine, M. & Tsutsui, M. (2022). Collaborative Ryukyuan Language Documentation and Revitalization. Special Issue Decolonizing Methodologies in Japan: Ryukyuan Perspectives for Language Education, Language. (Open Access, Available here). 

Hammine, M. (2023). New Speakers of Ryukyuan language:Negotiation, Construction, and Change of Identities. In Kubota, R., Mielick M., & Lawrence, L. (Eds.) Handbook of Japanese Language, Identity and Culture. Palgrave. (Available here)

Hammine, M. & Zlazli, M. (2023). 新しい話者のための言語継承アプローチ-第二言語習得理論から琉球諸語の継承を考える- Proceedings for NINJAL-. (Available here in Japanese).

Roche, G. Hammine, M. Hernandez, T.& Kruk, G. (2023). The Politics of Fear and the Suppression of Indigenous Activism in Asia: Prospects for the United Nations Decade of Indigenous Languages. State Crime Journal. (Open Access Available here)

Hammine, M & Zlazli, M. (accepted). Trajectories of Indigenous Language Learning and Emotions – Heritage Language Learning and Emotions. Heritage Language Journal.   

Hammine, M. (submitted). The Dynamics of Standardization in Yaeyaman Language Reclamation. - A Master-Apprentice Initiatives in the Ryukyus.  In Doerr-Musha, N. (Ed), Counter-Standardization in Language Education. 

Hammine, M. & Newburry, A. (submitted). Centering Indigeneity and Positionality: Navigating decolonial  lessons at a university in Okinawa. AlterNative. 

Hammine, M. Santalahti, S. Cagielnik-Okicu, T. (in press). Linguistic culture in Japan: Examples from Indigenous language revitalisation and reclamation. Brill. 

Hammine, M. (current project). Relational Approach to Language Learning and Teaching. In Chibana, M., & Ayano, G. (Eds.) Detours Okinawa: Decolonial Guide.

Kretzer, M. & Hammine, M. (current project). Examples of language policy patterns: indigenous languages in "monolingual" Japanese and "multilingual" South African schools. International Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 

Duenas, K. F. & Hammine, M. (current project). Gender and Language Reclamation A Research Project with Dr. Frances Kvietok Duenas


BOOK PROJECT (2): Decolonising Second Language Theories from  Indigenous Language Acquisition (ILA) Autoethnographies of Indigenous Language Reclamation -with Dr. Erika Sarivaara