BUTTERFLY GARDEN -  Woody plants needed as host plants

MNGI designed this garden and it is one of our popular garden.  Over the years, we have had enjoyed garden sponsors to help improve this garden - including Reems Creek Nursery and Wildbud Native Nursery.  In 2020 the Madison County Garden Club agreed to be the champion of this themed garden.  Many thanks to them for their time and dedication to help make this important and highly visible garden all it can be.   

This garden includes native woody plants that are host species for the caterpillars of native butterflies and moths. 

Most folks know that Monarch Butterflies are in decline but did you know that 40% of all insects are now seriously threatened and that populations of insects are declining much faster than other forms of life.  Just in the last 10 years the population of insects worldwide has declined by 25%.  This should concern us all!!!  You can plant native plants that will support native insects of all kinds.

See the host plants on display below: