Logging in

Post date: Mar 10, 2012 3:32:55 AM


(Please use your McMaster e-mail address)

*make sure you haven't already signed in with your other Gmail*

If you are trying to open a document, you may notice that it may ask you to log in. If you have been given special permissions, login using your regular gmail account. A login menu will appear when you click on your first document.

It is unfortunate that a login has had to be implemented. However, other schools should not have open access to the material. Just say a prof from U of T saw this site, they could use the questions on their own tests. With the new McMaster Google docs, I have the ability to give everyone who goes to McMaster permission to access it and prevent anyone else. If you wish to sign in from a different email address other than your McMaster email address, send me an email saying so. Make sure the email has the following information:

-A title

-Your name

-the email address you want me to give permissions to

Note that this site was made for you guys. I don't benefit from it - I have all the files offline, so if you have any ideas on how to run the site better, I'm all ears. Just leave a post on the forum page.