Data Sets & Codes

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This dataset contains data from ROMS simulations near the U.S. West Coast with realistic atmospheric forcing, tidal forcing and remote internal wave forcing. FS800b has remote internal wave forcing while FS800a does not have remote internal wave forcing at the open boundaries. The ROMS simulations have 4-km horizontal resolution and 60 sigma-layers. All data is along the local x- and y- axis of the rotated C-grid. Data is stored in netcdf format. We also include the altimeter dataset (see Buijsman et al., 2020; used in validating the semidiurnal internal tides.

More details on these data can be found in the article: Siyanbola, O.Q., Buijsman, M.C., Delpech, A., Renault, L., Barkan, R., Shriver, J.F., Arbic, B.K., & McWilliams, J.C. (2023). Remote internal wave forcing of regional ocean simulations near the U.S. West Coast, Journal of Ocean Modelling, 181, 18 p.,

This data set contains Near-Inertial modal and undecomposed baroclinic energy terms from a forward global HYCOM simulation (EXPT 19.2) with realistic atmospheric forcing. This is a 4-km simulation with 41 layers. All data is on the native tri-polar grid. Data is stored as netcdf4 classic. The 2D data sets are 7055 x 9000 (lat x lon).

More details and context of this data can be found in the article: (Raja, K. J., Buijsman, M. C., Shriver, J. F., Arbic, B. K., & Siyanbola, O. (2022). Near-Inertial Wave Energetics Modulated by Background Flows in a Global Model Simulation, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(5), 823-840)

This data set contains M2 modal energy terms from a forward global HYCOM simulation (22.1) with realistic tide and atmospheric forcing as discussed in 

This is a 4-km simulation with 41 layers. All data is on the native tripole grid. Data is stored as netcdf4 classic. The 2D data sets are 7055 x 9000 (lat x lon).

The data set contains

This data set contains data from a forward global HYCOM simulation (22.1) with realistic tide and atmospheric forcing as discussed in

This is a 4-km simulation with 41 layers. All data is on the native tripole grid. Data is stored as netcdf4 classic. The 2D data sets are 7055 x 9000 (lat x lon).

The data set contains