16 June 2024, 联盟规划中的逻辑推理, 第届京津冀逻辑论坛, 河北大学

28 March 2024, Knowing how to plan about planning, SWU-UIB Logic Workshop 2024西南大学

29 October 2023, 集合论与现代逻辑的发展,南开中国逻辑论坛第七期,南开大学

27 October 2023, A Temporal Logic for Successive Events, LORI 2023, 山东大学

21 October 2023, A Logic for `After' in Successive Events, 第17届全国现代逻辑学术研讨会, 四川大学

30 June 2023, Tableaux for the logic of strategically knowing how, TARK 2023, Oxford, UK

21 May 2023, A Temporal Logic for Successive Events, “行动、行为与逻辑”工作坊, 山西大学

25 March 2023, Tableaux for Knowing-How Logic, 第二届多主体系统中的逻辑国际研讨会, 西南大学逻辑与智能研究中心

18 December 2022, Knowing how to plan: higher-order epistemic planning, 2022年"多主体系统中的逻辑"研讨会, online (北京师范大学哲学院)

17 November 2022, On axiomatization of probabilistic logic, online (西南大学逻辑与智能研究中心)

5 December 2021, A logic of justified belief and knowledge, 2021年全国现代逻辑学术研讨会, 中山大学哲学系(珠海)

12 November 2021, 基于规划的“知道如何”的逻辑及其复杂度,online (北京师范大学哲学学院)

22 October 2021, Tableau-Based Decision Procedure for Logic of Knowing-How via Simple Plans, CLAR 2021, 浙大城市学院

18 October 2021, Multi-Agent Conformant Planning with Distributed Knowledge, LORI 2021, online

26 August 2021, Planning-based knowing how: A unified approach, IJCAI 2021, online

4 July 2021, 基于逻辑的规划问题研究, 2021年全国形式逻辑学术研讨会, 河北大学,保定

27 June 2021, Knowing How to Plan, TARK 2021, online

20 June 2021, Knowing How to Plan, 科学基础与信息网络专业委员会2021年学术年会, 南开大学

25 September 2020, Reasoning in Multi-Agent Conformant Planning over Transition Systems, OVERLAY 2020, online

11 April 2019, Logics of Knowing How, Nankai University, Tianjin

8 December 2018, Single-agent knowing how logics motivated by planning, Workshop on Modal Logic (WoML’18), 浙江大学, 杭州

28 October 2018, The completeness for the combination of PDL and S5 with Perfect Recall and No Miracles, 2018年全国现代逻辑学术研讨会, 厦门大学

8 September 2018, The Completeness for the Combination of PDL and EL with Perfect Recall and No Miracles, Delta 9 Workshop, Peking University, Beijing

27 June 2018, More for Free: A Dynamic Epistemic Framework for Conformant Planning over Transition Systems, ICAPS 2018, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

16 June 2018, 关于不确定性知识的逻辑, 第四届京津冀逻辑论坛, 中国社会科学院哲学研究所, 北京

10 December 2017, Strategically knowing how, the Chinese-Polish Workshop on Applied Logic, Beijing Normal University, Beijing

18 November 2017, A logic framework for conformant probabilistic planning, 第三届京津冀逻辑论坛, 河北大学, 保定

25 August 2017, Strategically knowing how, IJCAI 2017, Melbourne, Australia

6 January 2017, Achieving while maintaining: A logic of knowing how with intermediate constraints, The Seventh Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications, Kanpur, India 

19 June 2016, 不确定规划中的动态知识推理, 第一届京津冀逻辑论坛, 中国社会科学院哲学研究所, 北京

30 October 2015, Tableaux for Single-agent Epistemic PDL with Perfect Recall and No Miracles, The Fifth International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 

18 August 2015, Conformant Planning with Probability, To Be Announced! Synthesis of Epistemic Protocols, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands 

5 June 2015, A Dynamic Epistemic Framework for Conformant Planning, the Fifteenth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA 

8 August 2014, Privacy in Arrow Update Logic, Advances in Modal Logic 2014, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands